Setting things up (15)

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Nickname key:
Sadlo- Arlo
Arlo obsessed toothpaste- Elaine
Stalker rat/ Brave rat- Isen
Angry tomato- Blyke
Pink lightning- Remi
Goddess- Seraphina
Not okay- John

Back on the main Group chat.

Pink lightning: who wants to watch a movie?

Not okay: a movie??

Not okay: who are you asking

Pink lightning: um... everyone here? Except Blyke and Isen, they're already coming

Pink lightning: it was Blyke's idea 😊

Angry tomato: yeah

Stalker rat: you're acting calm but I can tell that comment excited you 😏

Angry tomato: shut up

Arlo obsessed toothpaste: when will  your ship sail?

Stalker rat: we can work on it after jeraphina

Not okay: UM WHAT

Pink lightning: it's your ship name hehehehe

Goddess: ...

Goddess: so about that movie

Stalker rat: hmm subject change

Goddess: be quiet Isen.

Stalker rat: okay 🥲

Not okay: wait sera are you actually thinking of going to the movie

Goddess: yes

Not okay: but I don't think they want me to come

Angry tomato: why would you think that? Remi literally asked the whole group chat idiot

Not okay: I'm used to not being wanted

Goddess: I want you

Pink lightning:

Stalker rat:

Angry tomato:

Not okay:

Sadlo: So this is what you're talking about? Hm. I think I'll just leave.


Stalker rat: a friend who you love

Not okay: I think I need to change something.

Pink lightning: your relationship with Seraphina?

Not okay: I-

Not okay has changed Stalker rat to Brave rat.

Not okay: anyways, this name is more accurate for the moment

Brave rat: wow I feel honored... I got my name changed!!

Not okay: don't get too used to it

Brave rat: 😔

Pink lightning: so... about the movies

Goddess: I'll come

Not okay: fine I guess I will too...

Brave rat: yay it worked!

Arlo obsessed toothpaste: shhh!

Not okay: what worked?

Pink lightning: nothing, just the movie

Pink lightning: I wanted you guys to come 😊

Angry tomato: why are you using that emoji??

Brave rat: oh, you only want her to use it for you? 😏

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