Overcome your fears! (52)

277 8 3

Nickname key:
Tall blond idiot- Arlo
Arlo obsessed toothpaste- Elaine
Stalker rat- Isen
Red laser- Blyke
X rei- Remi
Goddess- Seraphina
Dark aura- John
The real monster- Keon

Dark aura:

Dark aura: okay time to die

Goddess: John, just hold on! I can help you in a minute

X rei: why isn't he unconscious, I put a lot of electricity into that!

Keon: You are just a stupid girl. I'm part of the authorities, I'm powerful.

Red laser: I thought he was weaker than Remi though

Keon: Shut up you silly vigilante.

Red laser: wait how do you know??

Keon: You'll all be coming to readjustment classes soon.

Dark aura: nO

Keon: What did you say to me?

Dark aura:

Stalker rat: come on John you need to fight back

Goddess: wow that's a lot coming from you, who never fights back

Stalker rat: ouch

Stalker rat: but true

X rei: come on Isen we need your help right now

Stalker rat: alright

Goddess: John I have to take care of this but I'm coming alright?

Dark aura: I don't think I can do this

Dark aura: I'm a monster

Keon: Hm, maybe you learned your lesson better than I thought.

Goddess: he's lying!

Goddess has changed Keon to The real monster.

Goddess: I love you John

Dark aura: sera 😭

Dark aura: I don't deserve you

The real monster: This is nonsense. Change my name back, John.

Dark aura:

The real monster: John. Listen to me.

Dark aura: no

The real monster: What?

Dark aura: I... I don't want to

The real monster: Change my name, John.

Dark aura: I have friends now, and they don't seem to think I'm a monster

The real monster: They don't know anything.

Dark aura: I beat them all up but they've still accepted me in the end... despite what I've done...

The real monster: No.

Dark aura: and my dad has always supported me

The real monster: Your dad is just as bad as you. All of you are disobedient children who need to learn and lesson. You, John, are a monster.

Dark aura: ...did you just insult my friends and family?

Dark aura: I suddenly want to punch you

The real monster: I see that you're still violent.

Dark aura: but I'm not. I don't want to hurt people...

The real monster: You're a bad person, John. You don't know anything.

X rei: he does, though. John showed me how blind I was to the state of wellston...

Red laser: John is annoying but he did show me how high tiers were abusing their power

Stalker rat: I'm still a stalker but I'd like to think I'm a nicer stalker after fearing for my life half of the year

Tall blond idiot: I hate to agree, but the others are somewhat right. John isn't evil, he just... has issues. A lot of issues.

Dark aura: ouch but yes

Dark aura: wait... you guys all just said nice things about me?

Dark aura: the blond one stood up for me???

Tall blond idiot: I have a name, you know.

Stalker rat: I told you that we're friends

Dark aura: I think I'm going to cry again

Arlo obsessed toothpaste: focus on the fight before we die! I can't heal everyone!

Dark aura: yeah.. I don't think all of us are friends

Goddess: the point is, john, that you aren't a bad person

Dark aura: I'm... not?

Goddess: you don't mistrust my judgement, do you?

Dark aura: of course not!

Goddess: good. Then show that demon you're better than him while we take care of these guys

Dark aura: sera wait-

Dark aura: oh they're busy again...

The real monster: Your friends won't always be here for you, John, even if they really are your friends. Why would they be there for a monster?

Dark aura: I think... I think you're wrong

The real monster: What?

Dark aura: if I'm still a monster because of what I did, even if I'm trying to change, then what does that make you?

The real monster: Stop talking. You don't know what you're saying.

Dark aura: you're the one who screws up the mental state of kids

Dark aura: you're the one who makes them hate themselves

The real monster:

Dark aura: I think sera was right. You're the real monster here.

The real monster: Clearly you need a look at the past.

Dark aura: NO!

The real monster: did you just slap my hand away...?

Dark aura: you're not going to control me again, Keon!

Dark aura: stop hurting my friends!

The real monster: What are you-

Dark aura: HIYAH

Dark aura: and you better stay unconscious this time

Dark aura has kicked The real monster out of the group chat

Goddess: John, you did it! You beat him!

Dark aura: ... and now I think I'm going to pass out

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