The Plan (14)

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Nickname key:
Sadlo- Arlo
Arlo obsessed toothpaste- Elaine
Stalker rat- Isen
Angry tomato- Blyke
Pink lightning- Remi
Goddess- Seraphina
Not okay- John

Not okay: what are you guys doing

Pink lightning: what do you mean?

Not okay: me and sera finished lunch, I saw your earlier texts

Stalker rat: oh shoot I forgot you could scroll up-

Anger tomato: seriously Isen

Goddess: I second Johns question, what are you all trying to do

Arlo obsessed toothpaste: it'll be a good thing, trust me!!

Goddess: that doesn't answer my question

Goddess: Remi

Pink lightning:  what

Goddess: explain

Pink lightning: well...

Pink lightning: we're trying to sail our ship

Stalker rat: remi noooo don't tell them

Angry tomato: it's okay they can't exactly stop you guys

Stalker rat: they are god tiers

Angry tomato: I don't think they'd kill you

Stalker rat: yep real reassuring, you don't "think" that

Angry tomato: whatever

Not okay: what ship do you mean??

Angry tomato: don't play dumb, even I know

Sadlo: That is true. John, don't act like an idiot.

Sadlo: Even if you are an idiot.

Not okay: wow thanks a lot Arlo

Goddess: did you just insult John

Sadlo: Yes.

Goddess: do you want to die.

Not okay: yes

Goddess: ...

Angry tomato: ...

Pink lightning: ...

Stalker rat: ...

Not okay: oh you weren't asking me

Angry tomato: can you tone down the mental illnesses

Not okay: nope sorry, I would if it was possible but it's not

Stalker rat: you... apologized?!!!

Angry tomato: what he did you're right-


Goddess: are you going to try and deny that John

Not okay: tbh I don't even care anymore

Goddess: good

Goddess: should we get some boba

Not okay: yes please

Goddess: and talk over your mental issues

Not okay: no

Goddess: will you do it for the boba

Not okay: ...

Goddess: and maybe I'll let you use hair gel for a day

Not okay: YES


Goddess: I already regret that now...

Angry tomato: dang it now he's going to look like that stupid cripple again

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