Sadlo is sad (3)

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Nickname key:
Sadlo- Arlo

Remi: Hello

Blyke: hi Remi

John: where's sera now

Isen: she's on the roof

John: oh thanks

Isen: wOw did you just thank me??

John: no you saw nothing

Isen: o-okay

Remi: ANYWAYS how is Arlo doing now does anyone know?

Elaine: he's going to be fine... he's just shocked

Elaine: doc says he can leave the infirmary when he wakes up and take a day off

John: that is not doc it's a lie

Sera: it's the new doc now

John: Nooo doc is always doc but he abandoned me

Sera: he hated you

John: 😭

Blyke: what the heck

Remi: well I'm going to go check on Arlo anyone want to come?

John: ah a second mistake

Isen: what

Blyke: ugh what is it now

John: it's not Arlo it's sadlo

John has changed Arlo's name to Sadlo.

Sera: lol-

Elaine: ... John you are evil

John: eh whatever toothpaste

Isen: I should not be laughing and yet I am

John: quiet rat

Blyke: seriously why are you already insulting everyone

Sera: John calm down

John: fineee

Remi: we should all do something to help Arlo

John: why? I hate him

Isen: don't say that he'll kill you with a fork

John: want me to kill YOU with a fork?

Isen: AhHhhhh no I'm quiet now

Elaine: SHUT UP IDIOTS. Also what were you thinking Remi?

Sera: wow someone's angry today

Blyke: John

John: the sadlo obsessed toothpaste

Isen: what...

Remi: well I don't know... maybe we should go somewhere?

John: ew

Sera: quiet John let her talk I want a vacation

Blyke: where though

Isen: can I bring video cameras

Elaine: NO you may not

Isen: geez okay

John: actually, I just thought of something....

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