Mistakes (6)

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Nickname key:
Sadlo- Arlo
Arlo obsessed toothpaste- Elaine
Stalker rat- Isen
Angry tomato- Blyke
Illegal superhero/ Pink lightning- Remi
Goddess- Seraphina
Gel- John

Gel: dang it

Gel: I messed up

Sadlo: Yes, you are indeed messed up.


Arlo obsessed toothpaste: Don't talk to Arlo that way!!

Gel: simp

Arlo obsessed toothpaste: I-


Illegal superhero: Hello

Angry tomato: hey

Stalker rat: uhh...

Gel: no not you guys

Stalker rat: 🥲

Angry tomato: 😡😡

Gel: you look just like your name

Angry tomato: grr shut up and leave us alone

Illegal superhero: John weren't you supposed to be nicer now?

Gel: ...

Gel: sera's not here

Stalker rat: but she could be

Gel: true

Gel changed Illegal superhero's name to Pink lightning.

Gel: there now no one can accuse me of being mean. And it fits anyways, you're pink haired and have lightning abilities

Angry tomato: seriously???

Pink lightning: well, this is way better than illegal superhero!

Stalker rat: true

Stalker rat: can you change my name?

Gel: hm.... no

Gel: it fits you too well.

Stalker rat: 🥲

Goddess: hello everyone


Goddess: I saw your texts but I was playing games so I couldn't answer until I finished the level

Goddess: what did you do wrong john?

Gel: uhh right

Gel: I kind of... broke something

Sadlo: Such as the hierarchy?

Gel: nah that was cool though

Angry tomato: did you beat someone else up?

Gel: ...well it was a mirror

Pink lightning: a mirror?

Goddess: what happened

Gel: well I walked into a bathroom and saw the mirror

Gel: jOker wAs stAring at mE and then he changed to NeW bOston jOhn

Gel: and so... I.... Uh I punched him

Angry tomato: what the heck-

Stalker rat: I'd ask but I don't want to die yet

Goddess: so... you punched a mirror.

Gel: well

Gel: actually it wasn't only that one


Gel: ... well they were all monsters

Goddess: John

Gel: they were though

Gel: luckily there were no bodies, there's just glass around me but it's fine as long as no one else gets hurt

Goddess: John I'm coming to find you and help

Gel: okay

Stalker rat: I feel like we aren't even here 🥲

Gel: as you should

Goddess: okay John I'm here

Gel: that was fast

Goddess: Elaine, can you come here

Goddess: John's hands need healing

Arlo obsessed toothpaste: no! He insulted Arlo!!

Gel: I'm fine sera

Goddess: you have glass in your hands

Gel: I've had worse

Goddess: Elaine come here before I get mad and help John

Arlo obsessed toothpaste:

Goddess: and John you NEED HEALING

Gel: hot- I mean scary

Gel: I like that

Gel has deleted two messages.

Stalker rat:

Angry tomato:

Pink lightning:

Arlo obsessed toothpaste:



Gel: you saw nothing

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