Blyke is hungry (33)

579 17 20

Nickname key:
HieRaRcY- Arlo
Arlo obsessed toothpaste- Elaine
Stalker rat- Isen
Remi's tomato- Blyke
Pink lightning- Remi
Goddess- Seraphina
Therapy- John

Remi's tomato: I'm hungry

Therapy: just be satisfied with your boba you red idiot

Remi's tomato: but boba isn't filling at all!


HieRaRcY: John, that doesn't help your point.

Therapy: do I need to add more hair gel?

Therapy: it seems like you don't have enough.


Arlo obsessed toothpaste: why does Arlo look so terrified suddenly? Are you being mean again John 😡

Therapy: are you watching the idiot?

Arlo obsessed toothpaste:

Arlo obsessed toothpaste: n-no

Goddess: ew Elaine I can see you

Stalker rat: CREEP

Remi's tomato: Isen you literally stalk everyone

Stalker rat: I-

Pink lightning: ooh guys I have an idea!

Goddess: is it ungelling Arlo's hair?

Goddess: cause I want to do that

Therapy: aww sera why

Goddess: he's just too ugly okay??


Therapy: enjoy his suffering while it lasts, sera

Therapy: this idiot doesn't suffer enough

Goddess: I guess that's true

HieRaRcY: Why did you guys even bring me here? You usually don't want me anywhere near you, John.

Therapy: you're here to suffer

Therapy: and ew you used proper grammar 

Pink lightning: don't be rude!

Therapy: pink girl I honestly don't care

Pink lightning:

Remi's tomato: stop being annoying John

Therapy: this is what I get for honesty...

Stalker rat: that was honesty?

Therapy: I said "I honestly don't care"

Therapy: honestly is in that statement

Pink lightning: I don't think it works that way...

Therapy: shush

Therapy: this is why I lie, it's easier

HieRaRcY: Your lies are awful, too.

Therapy: so about that hair gel


Goddess: I kinda like this now, arlo looks so scared it's hilarious

Therapy: I told you it was a great plan

Remi's tomato:

Pink lightning: ...Blyke?

Pink lightning: was that your stomach that just rumbled loudly?

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