Sad Blyke (24)

770 22 20

Nickname key:
Stupid- Arlo
Arlo obsessed toothpaste- Elaine
Stalker rat- Isen
Angry tomato/ Blue tomato- Blyke
Pink lightning- Remi
Goddess- Seraphina
Gel- John

Pink lightning: guys 😭

Gel: what

Pink lightning: Blyke isn't talking to me 😭

Stalker rat: he won't talk to me either...

Arlo obsessed toothpaste: aww...

Goddess: he's probably mad you kissed arlo

Pink lightning: but that wasn't intentional!

Stalker rat: see, but he doesn't know that

Stalker rat: he hasn't been checking our messages

Arlo obsessed toothpaste: he's just sad because his ship failed... it's painful when your crush doesn't like you back...

Gel: ew are you being dramatic about idiotlo again

Arlo obsessed toothpaste: n-no of course not!


Pink lightning: wait elaine.

Arlo obsessed toothpaste: yeah?

Pink lightning: did you say Blyke has a crush on me??

Stalker rat: lol he's exposed

Gel: it was too obvious

Goddess: that is very true, the only one who didn't know was Remi

Pink lightning: W-WHAT?

Stalker rat: this ship is almost more oblivious than John and Seraphina's...

Gel: we were not oblivious

Stalker rat: mhm whatever you want to tell yourself

Gel: don't forget that you are a weak rat 😡

Stalker rat: heh... I-I'm sorry

Goddess: John be nice, and we weren't oblivious

Stalker rat: yeppp sure

Pink lightning: but guys what should I do about blykeeee

Stalker rat: confess obviously

Arlo obsessed toothpaste: yeah sail the ship!

Gel: as long as it's chaotic

Goddess: yes, the chaos is entertaining

Pink lightning: ...

Gel: whatever you do though do it faster

Pink lightning: why?

Gel: because the tomato is sulking all over the place

Gel: I caught him eating ice cream at 3 am

Goddess: John

Gel: yeah?

Goddess: why were you up at 3 am

Gel: uhh.... No reason?

Goddess: was it nightmares

Gel: yeah... but then I stole blykes ice cream and that made me feel better

Goddess: I'm going to come hug you

Pink lightning: awww... but also give blykes ice cream back!!

Gel: I already ate it

Stalker rat: a wise choice, ice cream is good

Gel: not as good as boba

Stalker rat: that's debatable

Gel: not as good as boba.

Stalker rat: fine, not as good! Don't kill me!

Gel: fine I won't... for today.

Stalker rat: I'm terrified-

Pink lightning: don't worry Isen, I won't let him hurt you

Goddess: eh I don't think you could stop John. He's too strong for that

Gel: I don't know if that's a good or bad thing

Stupid: It is definitely bad.

Gel: shush

Gel: and Remi please calm your man

Pink lightning: my- WHAT??!

Stalker rat: what's Blyke doing?

Pink lightning: BLYKE??

Gel: he's moping all over again

Goddess: want to leave and get boba instead?

Gel: yeah, but first I want this problem fixed

Stalker rat: you hesitated to get boba?!!

Gel: blyke is very annoying okay?

Gel: he's so sad that his hair doesn't even match the rest of him anymore

Goddess: how so?

Gel: it's too fiery for a sad tomato

Gel: I should dye it blue, then it would match

Goddess: understandable

Pink lightning: don't dye Blykes hair!!

Gel: why not

Pink lightning: I like it

Gel: that only makes me want to ruin it more

Pink lightning: John.

Stalker rat: uh oh she's getting serious

Gel: nah she can't hurt anyone

Pink lightning: if you so much as touch Blyke's hair I will electrocute you

Gel: lol I'm so scared

Pink lightning: and all your hair gel


Pink lightning: and I'll get you banned from Woaba Boba.

Stalker rat: how?

Pink lightning: Isen, you've gotten banned from places so many times. How do you not remember?!

Stalker rat: I-

Pink lightning: hm, I think I smell burning hair gel


Pink lightning: good 😊

Goddess: can you still burn the hair gel though

Gel: sera no!

Goddess: that stuff is nasty John

Goddess: nasty.

Gel: but it keeps me sane...

Gel: I can't risk getting it destroyed by anyone

Pink lightning: good. Sera don't ruin this, he's actually listening for once

Stalker rat: top story- wellstons king values hair gel over his life

Goddess: don't you dare write that.

Stalker rat: fine...

Gel: it is true though

Goddess: John-

Gel: but before I forget I have to do something since blyke is sad now

Gel has renamed Angry tomato to Blue tomato.

Gel: now everything is really fine.

Stalker rat: why do I feel like our nicknames and lives are all becoming sad one by one? First Sadlo, then Not okay, now Blue tomato...

Gel: careful Isen, you might be next 😈

Stalker rat: I-

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