Invisible John (31)

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Nickname key:
HieRaRcY- Arlo
Arlo obsessed toothpaste- Elaine
Stalker rat- Isen
Remi's tomato- Blyke
Pink lightning- Remi
Goddess- Seraphina
Therapy- John

HieRaRcY: Will someone please explain to me why John is waiting outside my apartment?

Therapy: don't text just open the door

HieRaRcY: Anyone?

Goddess: oh he just wants you to suffer

Therapy: hehe


Pink lightning: read the texts Arlo, it'll make more sense

Stalker rat: you're not going to like it though

Therapy: that's kind of the point

Therapy: arlos suffering brings me the greatest joy

Goddess: I thought hair gel and boba did that

Therapy: that's why there is hair gel involved in my plan for that idiot suffering

Remi's tomato: john that's an awful idea

Therapy: thanks

Remi's tomato: that wasn't a compliment

Therapy: do I look like I care?

HieRaRcY: John, I won't let you gel my hair.

Goddess: took you long enough to read those texts

HieRaRcY: This doesn't concern you, Seraphina.

Goddess: I see

Goddess: you'll be getting no help from me then


Stalker rat: Arlo, you just made a big mistake...

Stalker rat: Seraphina is the only one who can control John...

Pink lightning: well maybe if we tell him to stop he'll listen!

Therapy: lol nope

Therapy: the rat is correct

Therapy: sera is all I care about

Remi's tomato: well good luck Arlo

HieRaRcY: I don't need luck. He can't do anything to me.

HieRaRcY: He doesn't even have any abilities copied.

Therapy: actually

Therapy: I beat up a rat earlier

Stalker rat: wait but I'm here?? Am I imagining this all?

Therapy: not you

Therapy: the other rat

Goddess: oh you mean terrance?

Therapy: yeah, he needed to be punched

Goddess: thanks for removing him, he was bothering me

Therapy: no problem ❤️

Pink lightning: um... does anyone else think they sound like they're flirting?

Stalker rat: they do because they are flirting

Pink lightning: but they're talking about violence...

Stalker rat: exactly

Remi's tomato: don't worry too much about it, they're just weird

Therapy: do you want hair gel too?

Remi's tomato: no, just go bother Arlo

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