Double date (27)

636 18 13

Nickname key:
HieRaRcY- Arlo
Arlo obsessed toothpaste- Elaine
Stalker rat- Isen
Remi's tomato- Blyke
Pink lightning- Remi
Goddess- Seraphina
Gel- John

Stalker rat: so where are we going for the double date

Remi's tomato: you're not coming Isen, you're single

Stalker rat: so where are you guys going for the double date

Goddess: why do you care

Gel: are you going to stalk us?

Stalker rat: w-what of course not!

Remi's tomato:

Pink lightning:



Stalker rat: well if you're all going to team up against me like that then fine, I am going to watch

Pink lightning: why don't you just come along then?

Stalker rat: really?

Remi's tomato: but Remi he's single, he'd just be a third wheel

Gel: fifth wheel actually

Gel: it would be you and remi, me and sera, and then isen all by himself

Stalker rat: 😢

Arlo obsessed toothpaste: wait what about us?

HieRaRcY: I don't want to go anywhere with these idiots, and I'm single.

Arlo obsessed toothpaste: you don't have to be single...


Gel: imagine being single lol

Goddess: couldn't be us

Pink lightning: please don't break Isen guys...

Stalker rat: 😭

Remi's tomato: so where are we going on the double date

Stalker rat: I already asked that

Gel: no one cares

Pink lightning: ANYWAYS I haven't decided

Gel: then woaba boba it is

Remi's tomato: oh no, not your obsession with hair gel and boba again

Gel: 1) boba and hair gel are superior, 2) you're one to talk because you're obsessed with remi, 3) CAN WE GEL OUR HAIR ON THE DOUBLE DATE

Goddess: NO JOHN

Goddess: NO HAIR GEL

Gel: 🥺

Goddess: don't make that face, it's still a no

Remi's tomato: agreed

Pink lightning: sorry John but... no hair gel.

Gel: cries

Stalker rat: feel pain like I am

Gel: stop being so pathetic about being single

Stalker rat: fine...

Stalker rat: but I can come on the double date right

Gel: no

Pink lightning: yes!

Gel: sera tell him no

Goddess: tbh I don't really care

Remi's tomato: me either as long as isen isn't an idiot

Stalker rat: when have I ever been an idiot?

Gel: do you really want us to start listing that?

Remi's tomato: for once he has a point

Stalker rat: ...true

Gel: you beat up blyke over a pen, you drew an ugly picture of yourself with muscles while interviewing me, you let arlo beat me up, you let cecile tie you up, you spied on me-


Gel: and most of those weren't only dumb but also making you look like a coward

Stalker rat: wait how'd you know about the interview thing though

Gel: I just found out

Stalker rat: how?!

Gel: with my ability

Stalker rat: ???

Remi's tomato: don't ask, high tiers are confusing

Pink lightning: you're a high tier now

Remi's tomato: exactly, and that confuses me

Gel: that was surprisingly funny tomato

Remi's tomato: shut up

Goddess: so are we getting boba or not?

Pink lightning: oh right the double date

Pink lightning: Blyke are you okay with going to that bubble tea place?

Gel: it's woaba boba.

Remi's tomato: sure

Remi's tomato: can I get a milkshake instead though-

Gel: NO

Remi's tomato: I wasn't asking you

Gel: No.

Goddess: get boba or die.

Pink lightning: boba is pretty good Blyke...

Gel: Only pretty good?!

Gel: boba is AMAZING

Goddess: yes

Goddess: but he could go on all day about it so let's just go get some already

Pink lightning: okay, I'll bring Blyke and you bring John and let's meet at woaba boba in five minutes Seraphina

Goddess: got it

Gel: yay we're already here

Goddess: hurry up blyke and Remi

Remi's tomato: we haven't even left yet-

Pink lightning: we'll try but we don't have your ability...

Gel: then run.

Gel: I want my boba.

Goddess: just be patient john it's coming

Gel: fine...

Gel: can I use some hair gel while I wait?

Goddess: no.

Pink lightning: okay we're here!


Remi's tomato: how is he already inside-

Goddess: when there's boba involved, john is fast

Pink lightning: let's go order then!

Stalker rat: I guess I'll just walk myself there, all alone

Gel: or just don't come

Stalker rat: I hate being single...

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