End (53)

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Nickname key:
Tall blond idiot- Arlo
Arlo obsessed toothpaste- Elaine
Stalker rat- Isen
Red laser- Blyke
X rei- Remi
Goddess- Seraphina
Dark aura- John

X rei: don't pass out John we still need you

Dark aura: fine I'll make them all unconscious

Dark aura: happy now?

Red laser: how did you do that so fast?!

Dark aura: someone had a speed ability and I had remis electricity too

Stalker rat: wow

Dark aura: lol you guys are still so weak

Stalker rat: that hurts, I thought we were friends

Dark aura: you're the only one who said that rat

X rei: hey, let's not argue...

Goddess: so what's the plan now?

Dark aura: uh.. idk

Red laser: did we really just attack the authorities with no plan?

Tall blond idiot: Knowing all of you, yes.

Dark aura: ew I forgot you were here

Tall blond idiot: You didn't hate me this much earlier.

Dark aura: yeah yeah whatever

Goddess: we should check the rest of the building

Stalker rat: wait guys I see people outside

Stalker rat: and Arlo's aunt... she looks really mad

Stalker rat: hold on there's police too?

Dark aura: I'm going to figure out what's going on

Goddess: John-

Tall blond idiot: He jumped out a window again. Wow.

Dark aura: it's fine see

Dark aura: plus now I'm away from the red haired demon

Goddess: don't worry, Keon is really unconscious this time, you got him good

Dark aura: I can never be too sure

X rei: what are the police doing here, John?

Dark aura: oh right



X rei: oh no! Let's go help!

Goddess: wait

Red laser: don't you want to make sure he's okay though?

Goddess: he'd be fighting back if there was a problem

Dark aura: calm down guys

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