The Revenge (23)

767 22 26

Nickname key:
Stupid- Arlo
Arlo obsessed toothpaste- Elaine
Stalker rat- Isen
Angry tomato- Blyke
Pink lightning- Remi
Goddess- Seraphina
Gel- John

Angry tomato: hey Remi

Pink lightning: yeah?

Angry tomato: weren't you coming with us to get some drinks?

Gel: drinks like boba?

Stalker rat: nah, at this other place. It's called-

Gel: no.

Gel: if it's not boba I don't wanna hear it.

Stalker rat: I- okay

Stalker rat: but Remi aren't you coming?

Pink lightning: I am

Angry tomato: you didn't come outside when we were going to meet you

Stalker rat: yeah, Blyke got all worried and now he's looking for you

Angry tomato: 😡 Isen

Gel: what he means is continue Isen

Goddess: agreed, this is entertaining

Stalker rat: are you two going to help me sail their ship since yours is done?

Pink lightning: I-

Arlo obsessed toothpaste: YES!! I want to sail that ship!!

Gel: nah too much work

Goddess: maybe if I get bored

Gel: sera that's what boba is for

Goddess: what if you're in class when I'm bored

Gel: steal me away obviously

Stalker rat: as much as I love this ship I'm not sure what to think of this-

Pink lightning: you guys are chaotic...

Gel: as we should be

Stupid: This nickname really should be what the chat is called.

Arlo obsessed toothpaste: yeah, Arlo is the only smart one here.

Goddess: ...

Pink lightning: ...

Angry tomato:

Stalker rat: I mean I'm not that smart but still, ouch

Gel: hey blue girl

Arlo obsessed toothpaste: what do you want

Gel: well I want to see how dumb you are

Gel: do you realize you literally called yourself stupid by saying that?

Arlo obsessed toothpaste: I- hmph of course I didn't mean that.

Gel: sure

Angry tomato: anyways REMI WHERE ARE YOU

Pink lightning: oh yeah zeke wanted to talk to me

Pink lighting: and Arlo for some reason

Gel: who would want to talk to arlo??!

Goddess: a very good question

Arlo obsessed toothpaste: you guys are so mean to him 😭

Gel: shush

Stalker rat: is no one going to mention the fact that Remi is talking to zeke of all people?

Angry tomato: Remi why him?

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