John has a mom? (40)

537 16 3

Nickname key:
Old- Arlo
Arlo obsessed toothpaste- Elaine
Stalker rat- Isen
Remi's tomato- Blyke
Pink lightning- Remi
Goddess- Seraphina
Child- John

Child: seriously I'm confused

William Doe: Don't you remember her? Jane Doe? She had white hair and her eyes were the same color as yours...

Child: wait

Child: oh maybe I do have a mom

William Doe:

Stalker rat:


Pink lightning:

Remi's tomato:

Arlo obsessed toothpaste:


Stalker rat: John... how could you not have a mom?

Stalker rat: like how would you have been born?

Child: idk I always just kinda thought I was a demon my dad found on the side of the road

William Doe:

Goddess: John we've talked about this

Goddess: don't be mean to yourself

Child: sorry

Child: but am I a demon though

Old: Yes.

William Doe: No!

Child: welp I hate you arlo so I'll go with my dads answer

Goddess: so William, what do you mean by you found John's mom?

Goddess: John never told me anything about her

Child: cause I forgot I had a mom

William Doe: She went missing when John was young...

Child: is that why I have so many issues

Stalker rat: probably

Child: well that's a little sad

Pink lightning: that's so sad 😭

Pink lightning: I'm glad you found her mr. William!

William Doe: Me too, but I wish I'd been able to save her earlier...

William Doe: The authorities were doing a lot of awful stuff to her...

Child: the authorities?

Child: like Keon?

Child: shoot I'm about to have a panic attack bye everyone

William Doe: Wait John-

William Doe: HOW-

Stalker rat: what'd he do now?!

Child: I exited the scene

William Doe: You're alive?!!?

William Doe: But you jumped out the window!!

Remi's tomato: oh yeah he does that often

William Doe:

Goddess: hey John want to get boba

Goddess: maybe it'll make you less sad

Child: yeah I like that idea

William Doe: I didn't finish talking though...

Stalker rat: well they'll text again soon

Remi's tomato: they do that way too much

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