Class is boring (28)

579 20 9

Nickname key:
HieRaRcY- Arlo
Arlo obsessed toothpaste- Elaine
Stalker rat- Isen
Remi's tomato- Blyke
Pink lightning- Remi
Goddess- Seraphina
Gel- John

Gel: guys it's boring here

Stalker rat: school is always boring

Gel: well someone get me out of here

Gel: sera??

Goddess: I'm already skipping on the roof


Goddess: you're a god tier, just leave. They won't stop you

Gel: t-that's bringing back trauma


Gel: 😭

Remi's tomato: what am I seeing

Stalker rat: John's bored and so am I

Remi's tomato: guess that makes three of us, this class sucks

Gel: heyy why don't you two make a distraction and then we all run for it!

Stalker rat: are you suggesting... teamwork??

Gel: I'm really bored okay

Goddess: bored enough to work with isen and blyke?

Gel: hm... now I'm not sure

Gel: isen is a rat

Stalker rat:

Gel: and blyke is a simp

Remi's tomato:

Remi's tomato: I'm dating her now though

Gel: that doesn't make it better

Pink lightning: let's not fight...

Gel: wow you showed up just to say that?

Arlo obsessed toothpaste: everyone be quiet!! Arlo is taking a test right now!



Pink lightning:

Remi's tomato:

Stalker rat:

Gel: who is she

Stalker rat: dude...

Pink lightning: why haven't you been texting elaine?!

Arlo obsessed toothpaste: I have been!

Gel: texting only dumblo I assume

Arlo obsessed toothpaste:

Arlo obsessed toothpaste: I'm going to focus in class now.

Gel: hmm

Gel: I doubt that

Arlo obsessed toothpaste: just be quiet! I don't like texting and Arlo is still taking a test so be quiet on this chat!

Gel: bye

Goddess: elaine you're my roommate and all but I don't care

Gel: aww that's my girlfriend ❤️

Pink lightning: sometimes you two seriously worry me...

Remi's tomato: don't stress, they're just violent

Pink lightning: that's what worries me though

Stalker rat: welp you can't do anything so just stay out of their way

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