They're all weak (48)

333 8 3

Nickname key:
Tall blond idiot- Arlo
Arlo obsessed toothpaste- Elaine
Stalker rat- Isen
Red laser- Blyke
X rei- Remi
Goddess- Seraphina
Dark aura- John

Dark aura: I think it's time for me to start looking scarier

Tall blond idiot: Why are you still texting?

Dark aura: cause

Goddess: what do you mean by scarier

Stalker rat: yeah, I was wondering too

Tall blond idiot: Isen, Seraphina, what is wrong with you two?

Goddess: we can do what we want

Dark aura: yeah shut up arlo

X rei: there's also no one coming yet since John and Seraphina defeated the last people... the auras john sensed were further away

Red laser: I thought this would've been harder

Dark aura: nothing is hard when you have me and violence on your side

X rei: I don't think that's a good thing

Dark aura: it probably isn't

Dark aura: but anyways



Dark aura: I'm sorry

X rei: what happened?

Tall blond idiot: I don't want to hear anymore. Don't die, everyone.

Dark aura: bye loser

Red laser: John are you going to explain anything

Dark aura: oh yeah

Dark aura: so uh I brought out the mask

Stalker rat: the mask?

Stalker rat: what mask

Goddess: the joker mask

Stalker rat: oh-

Dark aura: it makes me look scarier

Goddess: I don't want to look at you right now

Goddess: it hurts

Dark aura: I'm sorry 😭😭

Dark aura: I just want the authorities to see what they created

Dark aura: because this society is sTupid

Tall blond idiot: Wow, the society is 'stupid.' What inspirational words.

Dark aura: I liked it better when you were gone

Tall blond idiot: I hate this chat.

X rei: uh...

Red laser: John why didn't you just put on the joker mask to start with?

X rei: thanks for changing the conversation

Red laser: no problem

Stalker rat: aNyThing fOr yOu rEmi

Red laser: shut up

Dark aura: rat, you are officially my favorite idiot

Stalker rat: really?!

Dark aura: yes, blyke is too much of a tomato and arlo is literally so annoying but you at least recognize your dumbness and make jokes

Stalker rat:

Stalker rat: that doesn't feel like a compliment

Dark aura: anyways

Dark aura: I didn't put on the mask earlier to save you guys from the trauma

Stalker rat: that mask is terrifying as heck

Red laser: why would you want to help us though?

Dark aura: cause if you mess this up

Dark aura: I'll be very mad

Stalker rat: well that's comforting

Stalker rat: if we don't die here, John will kill us

Dark aura: not unless you screw up, stupid

Dark aura: if you saw the joker mask you would screw up

Stalker rat: yeah that's true...

Red laser: I wouldn't

Dark aura: whatever you want to tell yourself

X rei: guys, focus! We have more attackers coming!

Red laser: alright just let me power up

Stalker rat: see the rest of you later if we don't die!

Dark aura: okay, see you never

Stalker rat:

Goddess: John I see someone coming too

Dark aura: oh okay let me kick them

Dark aura: hiyah

Dark aura: now we can keep going


Goddess: okay

Dark aura: hey wait why won't this door open

Goddess: there's probably a high ranking official inside

Goddess: I'll break it

Dark aura:

Dark aura: is this another tall blond idiot

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Dark aura: is this another tall blond idiot

Tall blond idiot:

Tall blond idiot: Why do you have a picture of my aunt?

Dark aura: ah so it is another idiot

Goddess: she was in that official looking office

Dark aura: ew she's talking

Tall blond idiot:

Dark aura: she says we can't take her down

Dark aura: lol, idiot


Goddess: how-

Tall blond idiot: What now?

Goddess: he just threw your aunt out the window effortlessly

Tall blond idiot: What?! But she's stronger then me!

Dark aura: so am I

Dark aura: all tall blond idiots must go out the window

Tall blond idiot: How did you do that so easily?

Dark aura: idk

Dark aura: they're all weak

Goddess: yeah, John keeps crushing them

Goddess: it's a little boring

Tall blond idiot:

Tall blond idiot: Now I see why Isen is so scared of you two.

Dark aura: should I jump out the window and squish your aunt

Tall blond idiot: No!

Dark aura: I'm going to do it

Goddess: maybe wait until later

Goddess: I want to find more strong people so this gets actually hard

Dark aura: oh okay

Dark aura: let's go attack some more

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