This is why we don't go places (34)

493 17 8

Nickname key:
HieRaRcY- Arlo
Arlo obsessed toothpaste- Elaine
Stalker rat- Isen
Remi's tomato- Blyke
Pink lightning- Remi
Goddess- Seraphina
Therapy- John

Pink lightning: um... John?

Therapy: what is it now? I'm just trying to enjoy my dayyyy

Pink lightning: uh well... this restaurant is kinda expensive

Remi's tomato: I agree, I thought we were just going to get burgers or something

Stalker rat: we're kinda poor students...

Therapy: oh I know

Therapy: I'm poor too

Remi's tomato:

Remi's tomato: but weren't you just complaining the other day about how you had to keep getting new phones because you broke them out of anger

Therapy: shh don't bring up my anger today

Goddess: blyke makes a good point though

Goddess: how did you afford all those new phones


Therapy: I don't know okay

Stalker rat: so... are we going to a different place or what?

Therapy: well who here isn't poor

HieRaRcY: I have money, but I'm not going to waste it on you. Especially not after how you defaced my hair.

Therapy: hmm so the blond idiot is rich

Therapy: we can always leave and make him pay the bill

HieRaRcY: Excuse me??

Arlo obsessed toothpaste: I have money too, but you would have to let me come with


Therapy: nah not worth it

Remi's tomato: I'm still hungry

Pink lightning: yeah, me too... let's just go somewhere else

Goddess: wait

Goddess: I'm rich guys

Therapy: and yet you still made me pay for your boba before



Therapy: aha well it's your parents money right


HieRaRcY: Are you overusing your parents money, Seraphina?

Goddess: they're kinda mean, they deserve it

Pink lightning:

Remi's tomato:

Stalker rat:


Arlo obsessed toothpaste:

Therapy: should I-

Goddess: nah I already slapped my mom

Goddess: you can go joker on them later

Therapy: okay!

Stalker rat:

Stalker rat: suddenly I'm terrified for seraphinas parents

Goddess: forget about them

Goddess: let's just use their money

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