Movie time (16)

963 30 41

Nickname key:
Sadlo- Arlo
Arlo obsessed toothpaste- Elaine
Brave rat- Isen
Angry tomato- Blyke
Pink lightning- Remi
Goddess- Seraphina
Not okay- John

Goddess: John

Not okay: yea?

Goddess: why haven't you had any popcorn yet

Not okay: uhh...

Pink lightning: HAJDJJFNF

Brave rat: come on John you're breaking Remi

Not okay: FINE I'll have some


Not okay:

Pink lightning: wHat

Angry tomato: Remi, I think you need to calm down

Arlo obsessed toothpaste: WHAT IS IT THOUGH!!

Brave rat: can I sneak into the theater

Pink lightning: to take pictures of the ship? Yes

Angry tomato: no-

Arlo obsessed toothpaste: BUT WHAT HAPPENED JOHN

Not okay: u-um nothing

Goddess: our hands just touched

Pink lightning: GOOD KEEP IT THAT WAY

Angry tomato: Remi please calm down

Pink lightning: I AM CALM

Angry tomato: you rarely type in uppercase

Angry tomato: someone please help

Not okay: why should I

Angry tomato: I'll fight you

Not okay: and lose?

Angry tomato: ...

Not okay: I'll do it for 20 bobas

Angry tomato: I'm not rich

Not okay: but Arlo is

Angry tomato: Arlo

Sadlo: No.

Angry tomato: Remi is screaming about her ship and Isen just joined in

Angry tomato: they're seriously concerning a lot of people right now

Sadlo: Where are you right now?

Angry tomato: wellston

Brave rat: everyone here knows we know you Arlo

Brave rat: I'm going to yell about some other ships next, maybe I'll help elaine

Arlo obsessed toothpaste: really? I can finally get my Arlo?!

Sadlo: ... fine. I'll buy the bubble teas for John.

Not okay: yayyy

Angry tomato: thank god

Not okay: can we hold hands sera 🥺

Goddess: yes

Pink lightning: SHIPPPP


Sadlo: I wish that I'd never associated with you people.

Not okay: suck it Arlo

Not okay: hey sera this movie is boring, let's go get boba

Goddess: okay

Pink lightning: but the PlAn-

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