Things are not going well (49)

318 8 1

Nickname key:
Tall blond idiot- Arlo
Arlo obsessed toothpaste- Elaine
Stalker rat- Isen
Red laser- Blyke
X rei- Remi
Goddess- Seraphina
Dark aura- John

Red laser: hurry up you guys!!

Dark aura: I thought isen annoyed you

Red laser: I don't want him to die though!

Goddess: we're almost there, calm down

Dark aura: he's too much of a rat to die

Red laser:

X rei: that's not how it works-

Tall blond idiot: Just focus on the situation at hand.

Dark aura: yeah yeah, we're almost there

Dark aura: oh wait

Dark aura: there's someone coming

Goddess: oh can you sense their aura?

Dark aura: yeah

Dark aura: wait why does it feel familiar

Dark aura: oh no-

Goddess: John?

Goddess: why'd you stop walking

Dark aura: can you throw me out the window please


Tall blond idiot: Has he lost his mind?

Dark aura: you know maybe I'll just do it myself

Goddess: no-

X rei: there's no time to be stupid!

Red laser: yeah agreed

Red laser: and Remi doesn't usually call people stupid so you two better hurry up

Goddess: well it's a little hard right now considering john stopped moving

Goddess: he's literally just standing there

Dark aura: helphelphelphelphelp

Tall blond idiot: He's texting, it appears.

Goddess: what is it john??

Goddess: wait

Dark aura: HELP

Goddess: is that who I think it is

Dark aura: yes 😭

Dark aura: I'm not okay anymore

Red laser: were you ever okay?

Dark aura:

Dark aura: true but someone hElp

X rei: what's going on with you two??

Goddess: I think I'm going to kill someone

Dark aura: don't get close to him sera

Dark aura: he's dangerous

Red laser: who?

Goddess: keon

Dark aura: aHhajhekej

Dark aura: don't say his name

Dark aura: he's looking at me oh no

Dark aura: wait is he talking?

Goddess: yeah, he's saying that you shouldn't have come back

Dark aura: all I can hear is the ringing in my ears

Dark aura: I think this is a panic attack

Dark aura: I think I'm going to pass out

Goddess: don't! He has more people behind him!

Tall blond idiot: Pull yourself together, John.

Dark aura: he's coming towards us

Dark aura: oh no

Dark aura: I can't watch

Goddess: John help me fight!

Goddess: these people are actually pretty strong-

Dark aura: SERA!!!!

Tall blond idiot: What? What now?

Dark aura: KEON

Dark aura: HE GOT HER



Dark aura: GEJBDJhhshrjkkGhh

Tall blond idiot:

X rei: Seraphina, John, we really need you guys! More attackers are coming!

Red laser: shoot I don't think they're coming...

X rei: what do you mean?!

Red laser: read the texts

Red laser: they've been attacked

X rei: oh no...

Red laser: Remi

X rei: yeah?

Red laser: if we die now...

Red laser: I want you to know.... I love you

X rei: I think I'm going to cry

X rei: that's the first time you said that without stuttering

X rei: I love you too Blyke

Tall blond idiot: Why are you talking as if you're going to die?

Dark aura: because they are

Dark aura: we're all going to die

Tall blond idiot: I thought you were being attacked?

Dark aura: he left me

Dark aura: he's showing sera bad memories again but I can't stop it

Dark aura: I'm pathetic

Dark aura: not that you care... I'm just a monster anyway

Tall blond idiot:

Tall blond idiot: I can't believe I'm saying this, but you need to fight back, John.

Dark aura: nonono

Dark aura: he's coming back

Dark aura: HELP

Tall blond idiot: Calm down.

Tall blond idiot: Seraphina? Are you all right?

Tall blond idiot: Remi? Blyke?

Tall blond idiot: Where are you?

Arlo obsessed toothpaste: I think... I think they're actually dying

Tall blond idiot:

Arlo obsessed toothpaste: why does everyone always forget I'm here?!

Tall blond idiot: That's not a problem right now.

Tall blond idiot: Remi is going to get herself killed. They all are.

Tall blond idiot: I told them not to go.

Arlo obsessed toothpaste: should we help?

Tall blond idiot: No. They'll be fine.

Arlo obsessed toothpaste:

Tall blond idiot:

Arlo obsessed toothpaste: they haven't texted in ten minutes

Tall blond idiot: We need to go help them.

Tall blond idiot: Immediately.

Arlo obsessed toothpaste: hang on guys, we're coming to help!

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