Chapter 3

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I was lying lazily on the kitchen floor, watching Rika put together her rice balls and I couldn't help but laugh mentally as she put sugar instead of salt. Mom always said it was the thought that counted, so I let the kid go. She'd been pretty kind to me the last few days; hiding me in her house and feeding me scraps. I tried not to dwell on the fact that Zoro hadn't eaten anything at all from the time he was tied up. It made me feel really guilty with the whole situation. But, today was the day he gets free, thank Gods, and I'd been trying to figure out what I was going to do about my situation these past few days.

I can't stay with Rika. I don't think her mother would look kindly on having a dog; even with Morgan and his son gone. And, it can't have been coincidence that I was dropped right in on a main part of the story line right? So I think, at least I hope, that I am meant to go with Luffy and Zoro. But how do I achieve that? I can't go up and I say "I want to join." It sucks not being able to speak as a dog, but I was getting used to it. And they leave in a small boat so I couldn't exactly hide myself in their boat until they leave… At the moment my best plan is to help free Zoro and follow them back to their boat and jump on. It can't be that hard right? Right? I don't think I want to know the answer to that actually. I had thought of the fact that if I go with Luffy I will get in lots of trouble, get beat up many times, and be in constant danger of dying. But, hey, no pain no gain.

"I'm going to take these rice balls to Zoro now!" Rika declared happily, picking up her package that she'd managed to finish making while I had been lost in my musing. I felt a nervous jolt through my gut as I stood up, it was finally time. Lord help me.

I followed loyally at Rika's heels as we left the house and started making our way through the town. I saw a few people look at us curiously as we passed, of course they would though. Most of these people wouldn't have seen me since they weren't there the day I helped save Rika and had most likely just heard stories about the event. I bet they're wondering what Rika and I are up to today.

'Well let them wonder,' I thought deviously, my head held high as I pranced through the street with Rika.

When we reached the place that Zoro was being held I saw Luffy and the pink haired kid hanging on the wall to look at Zoro. My steps faltered as I realized I was seeing the real Luffy. He looked just like a kid from behind but he is one hell of a powerful kid - or at least he was going to be.

While I was contemplating this, Rika had found a ladder and leaned it up against the wall next to the pink haired kid.

I watched her scrambled up it and I saw the curious looks she got and watched as she held her finger up to her mouth and said, "Shhh!"

This kid had balls, I had to give her that much. As she jumped over the wall to the other side I decided it was time get my own butt in gear, and I took off running at the wall. I managed to clear the wall easily with practiced ease.

I felt myself smirking as the pink haired kid called out to Rika, "Ah! Don't do it! It's dangerous!"

As I landed my jump I ran over to Rika's side again looking up in time to hear Zoro say, "Hey, what are you doing here?" He paused again, looking at her before continuing with, "Do you want to die or something? Get lost!"

Rika was not discouraged and just flashed that bright smile of hers that could charm the socks off a cat and said, "Umm, I made some rice balls for you! You haven't eaten for a long time right?" As she said that she held out the rice balls she had made earlier. "This is the first time I have made rice balls…"

"I'm not hungry! Go away!" was Zoro's only reply, causing me to emit a soft growl in his direction. He might have been trying to help the kid, but he was being damn rude about it.

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