Chapter 40

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After Luffy had flipped off the waver and went flying into the clouds, I planned to go after him. But, Chopper decided he wanted to help and threw himself in the water too. I went after Chopper instead and dragged him back to shore while Sanji and Zoro went to get Luffy.

I dragged Chopper back up onto land and left him with Usopp who was chewing him out for jumping in as well. My attention was drawn by Nami who was knee deep in the clouds, looking at the waver that had floated to shore.

Even though I was not human, I still wanted to have at least one go on the waver. Who wouldn't? It's like a motorbike and I knew how to ride those. So how hard could it be sitting in one?

'Hmm… I wonder,' I pondered as I trotted back into the watery clouds.

I reached Nami's side just as she was about to climb into the waver, so I barked to get her attention.

"Huh? Oh, Mamori. What's up?" she asked.

I jerked my head at the waver before looking back at her, wagging my tail. I tried to use the puppy eyes as I stared at her, my head tilting to the side.

"You want to ride it too…?" she guessed, thinking over it for a second. "It's so weird now that we know you are human… I guess there is enough room for you to sit in the back. Fine, jump in."

I didn't give her a chance to change her mind; in one smooth jump I launched myself out of the liquid clouds and onto the Waver. I shuffled towards the back of it, sitting down and wiggling my bum into position. Nami quickly scrambled in after me, getting her into position as she grasped the handle bars.

"Hold on," she instructed as she put a bit of pressure on the accelerator.

The waver seemed to move forward a bit at a really slow pace, a soft humming sound coming from the bottom of it. After a few seconds Nami slowly started to increase the speed until the wind was whooshing through my fur.

"It's so amazing!" she called out happily as we whizzed around the area. I let out a loud bark to agree with her, an impish grin lighting up my muzzle as I leant the opposite way to the waver turned so the boat didn't tip over.

"THEY DID IT!" Usopp yelled from the shore.

"What!" the old man yelped from the shore. "Unbelievable!"

"Nami, Mamori, you're the best!" Sanji cheered from the shore.

"Why!" Luffy gaped. "How can they control something that difficult!"

"Controlling this really requires a certain level of skills," Nami explained to them. "Careful observation is needed, so Luffy, it's out of your limit."

"Hey, Nami and Mamori! We're going to the mister's house! Come back now!" Luffy ordered like a child. "Idioooots. Hurry up and come back!"

"Why you," Sanji hissed as he kicked Luffy in the back of the head.

"You guys go ahead!" Nami called back. "Mister, can we play a little longer?"

"Yes, please be careful!" he answered.

"It's like I'm in a dream!" Nami exclaimed. "There's a ship that actually exists that can sail freely without wind! Would this work on normal seas? The one that Luffy brought back was broken for sure. I really wish I can bring a waver back!"

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