Chapter 18

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Water still poured from the sky in heavy sheets as the four of us ran through the streets of Louguetown.

"The wind is getting worse!" Zoro pointed out as we continued to run though the wind and rain to get away from the marines following us.

"Jeez, these guys are so persistent!" Luffy whined from behind us. "Should we just stop and finish them off?"

"Don't, there will be no end to them," Sanji said to Luffy. "More importantly Nami told us to return to the ship as soon as possible."

My eyes flicked up as I noticed a woman standing our path as we were running. She didn't move as we ran towards her, she just cried out, "RORONOA ZORO! To think that you were Roronoa Zoro! And a pirate hunter at that, too! You were just toying with me all along!"

"You bastard! What did you do to that woman!" Sanji snapped at Zoro as we ran closer to her.

"I never thought you were a marine…" Zoro said blandly to the woman.

"I shall take back that Wado Ichimonji!" She snapped at him. The hell was she talking about?

"Just try it!" Zoro said with a cocky smirk on his face. He jumped forward to block the woman's swing with his own swords, the sound of metal clashing together rang in my ears.

"Go on ahead!" Zoro said to us as we ran past.

"Okay!" Luffy chirped.

"That brute dares hurt a lady!" Sanji howled as Luffy grabbed the back of his shirt and pulled him with us.

"Let's go!" Luffy urged us; he didn't need to tell me though. I was still pissed at him and was going ahead anyway.

"Someone's up ahead!" Luffy informed us as I spotted something blocking our path.

"Another one?" Sanji hissed in annoyance.

"So, you've come Strawhat Luffy," The man said. He was standing next to some sort of weird motorbike, two cigars in his mouth at once. He had a marine jacket on as well, which was as wet as his gray hair.

"Who're you?" Luffy asked bluntly as we ran closer to him. I just stared at the marine as something seemed to tickle my memory. Who the hell is this guy?

"The name's Smoker," The guy said to Luffy. "I'm a captain of the marine headquarters. Suddenly his arms turned to smoke and it came flying towards us, even the rain didn't stop it. "And I won't allow you to set sail from here!"

The smoke wrapped right around Luffy's middle and lifted him into the air as he cried out in shock.

Sanji and I ran past Luffy and head straight for the marine.

"Why you…" Sanji hissed as he jumped and swung his leg at the marines head. I jumped forward at the same time and bit down around his thigh. "You freak of nature!"

My eyes widen as my teeth sunk straight through him as his leg turned into smoke. The taste of it choked me and I glanced up to see that where Sanji had kicked his head had tuned into smoke to!

"Wha!" Sanji cried just as shocked as me.

"I don't have time for runts," He hissed at the two of us with a glare.

"Howaito Buro*!" He cried out and suddenly I saw a tendril of smoke charge at Sanji and I.

Before we could react it had hit both of us and we went flying back into a wall. I felt my spine impact on the wall with the back of my head following it with a 'crack'. The last thing I saw was the white smoke before everything went black.

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