Chapter 8

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"Okay, we're done!" declared Usopp as we looked down the slope where the pathway had been covered with oil to stop the pirate's getting up it. "We've sprayed a massive amount of oil so those bastards won't be able to get up this slope. This the most effective way to battle them. No matter what, we must guard this slope with our lives!" Usopp was getting really serious about this.

"Just don't fall down there yourself," Nami stated the obvious. "Or else you're screwed!"

"Don't worry!" Usopp boasted "I have a lot of confidence in myself! The sun is up. The pirate's will be here soon…"

We all stood at the top of the slope, looking down and waiting for the pirates appearance. They should be getting there any second now...

"Where are they? It's already morning!" Luffy sulked, kicking the dirt.

The pirates had still yet to show. Did I forgot something else in the story line, or had the story someone changed? Something was nagging me that I'd just forgotten an important part though.

"You don't suppose they slept in do you?" questioned Zoro.

My ears flickered from their place atop of my skull as I heard a roaring cry comprised of many voices from somewhere else on the island. A sick feeling sunk into the bottom of my stomach. What had I forgotten now!

"Am I just overly sensitive? I can here "Go!" from the north direction," murmured Nami, her hand cupping her ear to try and hear better.

Usopp went really pale and said, "The north!"

"I'm positive," Nami said, both hands up to her ears now. She wasn't the only one hearing it though. I heard it too.

"What's going on!" yelled Zoro, losing his cool.

Usopp clasped his head in his hands, "There's another entrance into the village in the north…but..."

"Don't tell me you got it wrong!" shouted Luffy.

"They talked about the plan here so I thought they'd attack from here!" Usopp defended himself.

"Hurry! Which way are they going to attack the village from?" demanded Luffy.

I was getting antsy by now, shifting my weight between all four of my paws. I thought I was going to be sick from nerves, but the facts that we might have got it wrong, and that I could have done something more if I'd remembered, weren't helping my nauseous feeling. What a time for me to mess up.

"Going that way would only take 3 minutes! The landscape on that side is the same as this side! All we have to do is prevent them from coming onto the top of the slope!" Usopp said, forming a plan.

"Oh no!" squealed Nami. "That's where we docked our ship! My treasure is going to be stolen!"

"I only need 20 seconds to get there!" shouted Luffy as he took off running, not waiting for the rest of us.

"Damn, the oil trap I made is useless!" moaned Usopp.

I went to start running and only got a few paces before I stopped, hearing a commotion behind me.

"Help, I'm slipping!" screamed Nami as her foot slipped in the oil trap.

I watched as she latched onto Zoro's shirt and he demanded, "Ah! Let go you idiot!"

But it was too late, Nami had used Zoro to get herself out of the oil, and took off running leaving Zoro behind stuck in the oil.

"Sorry!" was all she called over her shoulder. "My treasure in in danger!"

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