Chapter 13

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My paws were pounding softly on the dirt track as I ran along with my nose down to the ground as it picked up Usopp's scent. It was a lot easier to tell how people smelled and to track them down as a dog; although all the new scents confused me at first, I seem to have slowly gotten used to it.

After I was sure that all the fishmen had left, I ran out of the village after Usopp; he was a few minutes ahead of me but I hoped my dog speed could help me catch up. I also hope that he didn't get himself in to much trouble or get himself caught.

"Charging recklessly after an enemy that is undoubtedly stronger then you without a plan is a stupid thing to do," A deep male voice said and caused me to stumble awkwardly to a stop.

I spun around to face where the sound had come from and saw the guy with the dark blue cloak that I had seen on Usopp's island. He was once again leaning lazily against a tree, and not one part of his body could be seen.

Instantly all the hairs on the back of my neck stood on end and I took a cautious step backwards; a warning growl slipping out of my throat. I didn't know what this guy wanted, but this is the second time I have seen him, and I don't think it coincidence.

"Tut, tut," He said clicking his tongue and I heard a highlight of humor in his voice. He was playing with me. "You did a pretty dismal job in the fight against the Black Cat Pirates."

I felt chills go down my spine and I took another step backward from this guy. His whole aura screamed 'DANGER! DANGER!' to me, and that fact alone curbed my temper enough so I didn't attack him. In fact, as much as hated to admit it, I was scared witless of him for no good reason. I had no idea who he was, but he must have watched or heard of what happened during my fight with the Black Cats to be able to say that. Why was he interested in me? Did he have anything to do with the reason I was here in the first place?

I heard him snort comically from underneath his coat and he said, "Don't worry, I'm not here to kill you. In fact I am here to make sure you don't get yourself killed yet."

He took several steps towards me and I took another step back, my ears pressed back flat against my skull.

"Would you stop being a child!" I heard him snap so suddenly that I jumped violently. I couldn't see his face or body so the only way I had to tell his emotions was his voice. "I told you I am here to help you, so stop being such a baby and accept my help before you go and try get yourself killed you stupid bitch!"

I hesitated, my brain reeling. He could have killed me already if had he wanted to, and he still could any second now. What could I do to stop him? Nothing. What he said, the fact that he wants to help, must be true. I don't know why he would, but I have a feeling he knows something about my being here so I might as well trust him, for now. His intentions for helping me might not be innocent, but I should take what I could while I could.

I sighed in a defeated way and lowered my head as I squeezed my eyes closed in apprehension. I heard him walk up to me and stop by my side before kneeling down. His cloak rustled as he moved and I flinched violently a he touched my front left leg. I accidentally let a vicious snarl slip out of its own accord but it didn't stop the guy.

I felt him push something against my leg and flicked my tail in annoyance; the tension in the air was killing me. Finally, after what seemed like ages, but was only minutes, he stood up and stepped back. I hesitantly peeled my eyes open and instantly cast my glance at my left leg. I squinted my eyes in confusion as I saw what was tied to my leg. I was a knife holster with a knife inside of it. I cast my eyes up in confusion looking at the man in the dark blue cloak, my steel blue eyes probing for answers.

"It's a bowie knife, it should help you if you learn how to use it properly. Consider it a gift, and in return don't get yourself killed," He said in a dismissive manner.

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