Chapter 17

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The island had been partying for three days! It was bloody insane if you ask me, although they had a good reason to celebrate. Too bad for me because I hated parties with a passion. I hated the loud noises and it was made so much worse now that I had the sharp hearing of a dog. I also hated the huge crowds of people; even as Braylie I hated crowds. I had slight demophobia when I was human, which was annoying for me as well. I could only stand large crowds of people if I knew all them personally. It made school a living hell for me.

After the huge fight everyone went and got their wounds treated, but I managed to slip away. I had no serious injuries; just a bit of bruising and I few small holes from the spines. The worst thing was the pain from the toxin but I knew the doctor could do nothing for it, so there was no point going to him. Also he was a doctor, not a veterinarian. I doubt he would have wanted to treat me even if I did help save his village. Some doctors are a bit iffy about treating dogs when they don't know the first thing about canine anatomy.

So, while everyone else headed to the town, I slipped away and made my way into the surrounding forest. It was a warm night, and everyone else was out partying or getting treated so no one looked for me. I found a nice hole in a tree and I slept there for the night and most of the next day to sleep the toxin off. I got up to quickly slip back into town and get some food. I ran into some of the others while I was there and they all looked to be fine, so after I grabbed some food I went back to the forest to sleep another night. By the next day my body was back to normal; the toxin seemed to be out of my system finally, much to my relief.

"We must now return back to our job as bounty hunters," Yosaku proclaimed as he looked wistful. "So thank you for all your help up till now."

"Though we must say goodbye, may we meet once again someplace else in the future," Jonny said.

I looked over the railing of the ship down at them, my paws on the rail to help keep me up. I let out a sad whine as I watched them; I was once again sad to see them go. They might have been idiots, but they were still my friends. At least I considered them to be.

"I see then, take care," Luffy said simply from next to me. Sanji, Zoro, and Usopp were standing around near us also on the deck of the ship.

It was the day that we finally departed; the partying had finally stopped yesterday too. I woke up from my sleeping place in the trunk of the tree way before the dawn broke with my body itching to be off. I had felt so much better that morning; all I really need was a good sleep and some food after all. I still hadn't managed to get any counseling though, bugger. I had then trotted lazily to the ship and waited there for the others to arrive after the sun had risen. I received a few questioning glances but no one asked where I had been, it's not like I could answer though.

"Where is she anyway?" I heard Usopp mutter as he glanced around the shore for Nami. She had still not shown up yet.

"Maybe she is not coming," Zoro commented blandly.

"What! Is Nami really not coming!" Sanji yelped at our captain.

"Hey! That raw ham melon you were talking about wasn't anywhere!" Luffy said to Sanji, not really realizing how completely off topic it was.

"SET SAIL!" Nami's voice cried out from down the path that lead towards the boat. I saw the villagers look on in shock and I just quirked a doggish eyebrow at her.

"She's running over here. What do we do?" Usopp questioned our captain.

"She said set sail… So I guess we should set sail," Was Luffy's answer.

Quickly dropped my paws from the rail and trotted off to the mast of the ship. If we were setting sail then I probably should get out of the way; I was pretty useless at helping running the ship. As I sat down I heard a commotion from shore and Luffy gave the proper order to set sail.

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