Chapter 31

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"We made it!" Luffy declared. "YUBA!"

My nose crinkled in distaste at how dry the place was as we all stood looking at it. It was so hot you could just about taste the heat of the sun… So not good for a dog. We had reached Yuba and jumped off the boat only to find lots of sand, sun, heat and some ruins.

"Wait a minute…" Luffy said slowly. "There's nothing here. Let's look for the leader! Where is he?"

"No Luffy, this isn't Yuba," Vivi sighed. "We still have to walk Northwest for a day through the desert."

"Half a day!" Usopp yelped, my feelings matching his.

"Look at the map," Vivi said as she pulled out a map. "We crossed the Sandora River and we just landed here at Erumalu, the Green Town."

"The Green Town? But there's nothing green around here," Luffy stated.

"Not anymore," Vivi admitted.

Suddenly an odd looking creature popped out of the ground causing me and a few others to jump. It looked like an odd seal of some sort.

"Woah! What the hell is that!" Usopp yelled. "A seal!"

"Kuo!" It cried, pumping its fist as I blinked in confusion.

"A Kung Fu Dugong!" Vive gasped. I was way off then.

"Kung fu?" Usopp snorted as she got into a fighting stance.

"No, Usopp! Get away from it!" Vivi warned him as I sighed. Good on Usopp, he goes and picks a fight with the thing.

Out the corner of my eye I saw another one of them charging at me causing me to spin around and face off with it. It lunged at me with a right hook that I easily ducked under, tucking my head in as I slammed it under the jaw with the top of my head. With a cry it fell backwards and the next one came at me from behind. Where they all came from, I had no idea.

"It's a kung fu dugong's law is that the loser of a fight becomes the winner's student," I heard Vivi say in the background but it was too late.

I decided to try out a new trick, so without turning around I kicked much like a horse would, my two back feet shooting out to nail the dugong on the forehead. Another one bit the dust.

I looked, waiting to see if anymore would come at me but then I noticed how many were crowding around Luffy so I figured he'd dealt with the rest. I turned my attention to the two that I had knocked down as they got back up.

I blink owlishly as they both bowed at me causing me to tilt my head to the side. I jumped when the two dugongs straightened up and copied my motion.

'Oh my God…' I gaped.

I decided to test what they would do so I shook my head back and forth a few times, smirking as they did the same. I then dropped to the ground, rolling onto my back before sticking my legs up in the air. I burst out mentally laughing as they did the same as me.

"Mamori! Stop playing with them, we have to leave!" Nami scolded me.

I reluctantly left them, running to catch up with the others as Vivi started to talk about the lack of water in Alabasta. I could already feel the heat getting to me though so I tuned her out as I tried to control my temperature, my tongue lolling out the side of my mouth already.

I quickly started to lag behind the others as I developed a headache due to my body already starting to overheat. I was snapped out of my self-centered thoughts when I noticed Vivi was having one of 'those' moments.

I trotted forward to where she was kneeling in the sand just as she screamed, "WHAT RIGHT DOES HE HAVE TO DO THOSE THINGS! I WILL NEVER LET HIM GET AWAY WITH THIS!"

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