Chapter 19

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The Going-Merry was now going at insane speeds down the mountain, the water around the boat helping to guide it. Sanji and Usopp had somehow managed to get themselves on top of the sails as they clung to them; the view up there would be awesome. Zoro, Nami, and I were all standing around the front deck and I had my paws on the railing so I could watch out of the front of the boat. Luffy had climbed onto the ram figurehead and was clinging to that; he would be in lots of trouble if he fell in the water from there.

"So this is the Grand Line! The greatest sea in the world!" Luffy cried gleefully. "FULL SPEED AHEAD!"


Something suddenly cried from the bottom of the mountain. The mist from the water spray was everywhere so we couldn't see that far down yet. Please don't let it be what I think it is!

"Hm? Did you hear something just now?" Zoro asked nonchalantly.

"Who cares! Woohoo!" Was Luffy's idiotic reply.

"I wouldn't be surprised if that's juts nose from the wind. The terrain here is quiet odd after all," Nami said as she tried to rationalize the sound.

"BUOOOH!" The sound came again, but closer this time.

"Nami!" Sanji called from his spot atop the sail. "There is a mountain ahead!"

"A mountain?" She said in disbelief. "That can't be! Once we pass the Twin Capes up ahead, we should sail straight into open sea!"

"BUOOOOH!" The sound came yet again and at this point I was pretty sure it was Mr. Whale. Oh my. At this speed if we crash into him we are in a heap of shit.

"Hm?" Luffy said as he scrutinized the path before us as the mist began to clear. I saw the black shape Sanji was talking about and so did the others.

"That's no mountain! That's a whale!" Nami screamed.

"BUOOOOOH!" The said whale cried and I folded my ears back against my skull. The sound wasn't exactly pleasant to my doggy ears.

"What should we do!" Usopp cried as he jumped down from the mast.

"Should we fight it!" Luffy asked.

"Are you kidding! How are you meant to fight something that big!" Nami yelled at them.

"But it's blocking the way!" Luffy defended himself.

"We are too close to see anything! It looks just like a giant wall!" Sanji hissed. "Where are it's eyes!"

"Ah! That's right! Maybe the whale hasn't noticed us yet!" Nami said hopefully.

"If we don't do anything soon we're going to crash!" Zoro snapped at us as he pointed to a gap between the whale and the wall. "There is an opening up left! Turn port side!"

"But the rudder snapped!" Usopp yelled back at Zoro.

"We'll we've got to do something!" Zoro snapped as he jumped over the railing and ran towards Usopp and where the rudder was. "I'll come help too!"

"That's it! I've got plan!" Luffy said and I moved my eyes over to him. He had an idea did he?

"What is it Luffy!" Nami cried as Luffy jumped the railing and ducked into the ship's cabin.

There was only Nami and I left up on the front deck now. I still had my front paws resting on the railing as we got closer; I was not much use anywhere else.

"It's no good! The rudder won't budge!" I heard someone crying. Oh, bugger. What was Luffy's plan then?


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