Chapter 11

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"We're here at the restaurant!" I heard Johnny call out and I cracked my eyes open. I had been having a short nap before he had called that out, you can never get much sleep around here with these guys. "Brother Zoro! Brother Luffy! Brother Usopp! Brother Nami!"

I heard Nami grit her teeth and ask, "Why am I brother?"

As we sailed up to the restaurant everyone started to gather at the front of the ship, their faces glowing with excitement. I lazily stood up, shaking out orange and white fur. I had finally gotten the bandages off this morning and it felt great without them; they were way too uncomfortable and restrictive.

I had spent the last few days watching over Yosaku while we recovered from our fight with the Black Cat Pirates. He was an idiot though and didn't understand the concept of resting as he was constantly running around with Johnny. I took it upon myself to nip the back of his legs whenever I thought he was doing too much. Thankfully he seemed to get the idea pretty quick as he stopped to rest whenever I nipped him.

"What do you think, everyone?" Johnny called out.

"What a huge fish!" Luffy called out in reference to the shape of the restaurant.

"Wow!" exclaimed Nami in awe.

"That's so funky!" cried Usopp.

My eyes flickered to the side as another ship pulled up next us, the word 'Marines' written across its sail.

"It's the Marines!" Usopp yelped, his eyes wide.

"When did it…" muttered Luffy, his mouth making an 'O' shape.

"They are not going to attack us now are they?" whispered Usopp.

"Hey! We aren't pirates!" called Johnny as he and Yosaku ducked behind the railing of the ship.

"Ah! Something coming out!" Yosaku said.

Someone on the marine ship was near the railings, looking at us before he called out, "Never seen that pirate flag before. I'm the Lieutenant of the Marine Headquarters known as 'Ironfist Fullbody'. Who's your Captain?"

"I'm Luffy," our own idiot Captain replied with a straight face. "I just finished making our pirate flag the day before yesterday!"

"He said the day before yesterday, haha," laughed Johnny.

"Ahaha! Good one!" Yosaku laughed.

They thought it was a joke, too bad it wasn't.

"And I'm Usopp," Usopp said as he butted in.

Feeling left out so I put my front paw on the railing, lifting up my head so I could see better. I then proceeded to let out several challenging barks at the marines.

"Wait a minute, I think I've seen you two somewhere before," Fullbody said when he spotted Johnny and Yosaku. "You frequent the government offices on some business. If I remember correctly you're small time bounty hunters. Yosaku and Johnny I think your names were. So, you've finally been caught by pirates have you?"

"Hey, Yosaku, I think this bro's sticking it to us," Johnny muttered to his partner.

Yosaku took a drag of his cigarette before exhaling and stating, "Well, we can't just let some guy walk around calling us small time. This ain't gonna net us a single beli, but I think we better teach this kid how to keep his mouth shut."

"You cocky little yuppie!" they both screamed, launching themselves towards him with their weapons at the ready.

Under less than a minute, they were found laying back on deck with their faces a bloody pulp.

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