Chapter 28

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"I SWEAR THAT THE NEXT TIME I SEE THOSE RABBITS I WILL GRILL THEM WITH MY OWN HANDS!" Sanji bellowed as we ran down the mountain at full speed, the avalanche hot on our heels.

'I'll help! Those things are going to die!' I snarled mentally as my paws flew through the snow, still holding the position behind Luffy.

"WHAT ARE WE GOING TO DO SANJI!" Luffy demanded to know.

"How should I know! The only thing I know is first, we must protect Nami, second, third, fourth, and even fifth, we must protect Nami with our own lives!" Sanji pointed out to us and I couldn't even find the energy to bark in agreement as I ran.

"I know but how can we protect her?" Luffy cried.

'IT'S ALMOST ON US!' I yelped mentally as I felt the rumbling get closer to us. 'RUN LUFFY! RUN!'

"THERE!" Sanji cried as he pointed out a little cliff ledge in the snow. "CAN YOU SEE THAT CLIFF?

"Cliff?" Luffy asked as he looked around for it.

"Let's run there! As long as we stay there, we should be okay!" Sanji informed us and we quickly changed our course.

"IT'S COMING!" Sanji cried as we pumped our legs to reach the spot, the fury of falling white snow only meters from us.

"AHHH!" Luffy screamed out.

'JUST JUMP!' I encouraged them mentally although they couldn't hear me so I think it was mostly encouragement for myself.

I watched as both of them managed to jump up onto the cliff ledge, following shortly behind them as the cold snow brushed past my tail.

"OKAY, WE'RE SAFE!" Sanji pointed out but as I turned around I noticed that he had spoken too early. There was a wave of white snow looming above us, ready to crash down right where we were. "WHAT! WE'RE NOT HIGH ENOUGH!"

"AHH!" Luffy cried out as we all jumped up in the air at the same time to escape the snow that rushed over where we were just standing. I twisted awkwardly in the air, white all around me. "WE'LL BE COVERED WITH SNOW!"

"AHH!" Sanji yelped as he fell back into the snow and I angled my body to thump down into the snow next to him. It wasn't as easy as it seemed though; I got sucked under the snow like it was quicksand, not snow. I felt my body flip over a few times before I felt a hand latch onto the back of my scruff, yanking me back up to the surface. I spluttered for a few seconds mentally thanking Sanji for saving my ass yet again.

"SANJI! Grab my hand!" I heard Luffy cried and saw Sanji clutch Luffy's outstretched arm with his other hand that wasn't holding me up.

"We're safe!" Sanji gasped and he was pulled up onto of the pine tree Luffy was riding. Sanji quickly pulled me up with him and I settled down on the log behind him, my nails digging into it as I tried to cling on. Luffy was squatting on the log behind me, trying to direct it.

"That's right! We are safe but we're going down the mountain!" Luffy pointed out over the roar of the falling snow.

"ARE YOU KIDDING!" Sanji ranted. "We spent ages trying to climb this mountain! We were so close! Can you find any way to stop this? Damn those rabbits, I swear that I will put them in the hot pot next time!"

I noticed sudden movement all around us and my eyes widened to see over 20 lapins surrounding us as they rode their own trees like snowboards.

"WHAT THE..!" Luffy yelped as both his and Sanji's jaws dropped.

'This… This is not normal!' I mentally muttered in shock. 'NORMAL ANIMALS CANNOT RIDE TREES LIKE SNOWBOARDS!'

"GRR!" Two of the lapin's growled as they swerved their boards to try and swipe at us.

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