Chapter 5

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"Urgh, I'm so hungry." Zoro's complaint caused me to let out a soft growl in annoyance. It was close to the fourth time that either he or Luffy had pointed out how hungry they were. I was hungry too, but I wasn't complaining about it. I know I couldn't talk anyway, but still! "It's funny that you have absolutely no navigating skills," Zoro said dryly, obviously not finding it that funny at all.

If I had remembered that neither of them knew how to navigate, I would have found a way to bring some food with us, but no, that was another conveniently forgotten point.

"What? I've always just been wandering," Luffy defended. "You're like me too, wandering and capturing wanted pirates for rewards."

"I don't remember saying I live completely off rewards! I was searching for a man and that's why I left to the sea, but now I can't find my way home." If I was human I would have been laughing my ass off. His sense of direction was funny and sad at the same time. I missed not being able to laugh, stupid dog vocal cords. "I had no choice but to start hunting pirates for a living, I had to earn my money somehow," Zoro recalled.

"Oh, so you're lost?" Oh poor blunt Luffy, one day that mouth of his is going to get him in some real trouble.

Zoro's head whipped around as he yelled, "Shut up! You're the one who's lost!" He then took a breath a calmed down before continuing. "Geez, never heard of a pirate that doesn't know how to navigate. How do you expect to go to the grand line like this? You should hurry up and find a crew member who knows how to navigate!"

"And someone who knows how to cook, and someone who can sing," Luffy said counting off on his fingers.

"Idiot!" shouted Zoro.

I smiled softly at their antics, but I was too tired to lift my head from my paws. Not having food for a long period of time can do that to you. I feel like all my energy had been sapped. Otherwise, I would have crawled over to Zoro and Luffy when they both dropped exhaustedly on the bottom of the boat in a spread eagle position. But instead I just looked at them for a few seconds before closing my eyes again.

"Oh!" Zoro said so suddenly that I opened my eyes again. "A bird!"

I suddenly realized what they were talking about and what was going to happen. If I had more energy maybe I would have done something about it, but instead I just closed my eyes again, my grin spreading as I realized what was about to happen.

"Looks pretty tasty," Luffy muttered.

'I dare say it's thinking the same about you right now,' I thought to myself.

"Let's eat that bird!" Luffy declared, sitting up suddenly.

"How are we going to eat it...?" was Zoro's only question.

"I'll get it!" I couldn't resist the temptation at cracking my eyes open and lifting up my head to watch what about to happen. "Watch my specialty," Luffy said whilst reaching up to grab the mast of the ship. "Gomu Gomu no... ROCKET!" He then launched himself up into the air and at the bird while Zoro watched in shock.

"I can't believe he thought of that..." Said Zoro, sitting up to watch Luffy. I'm guessing he didn't think Luffy was able to have that level of higher thought. Not that I blamed him.

"Huh?" I heard him say at the same time I saw the bird open its beak to trap Luffy's head in between its beak as it kept flying with Luffy in it's grip now.

"AHH! HELP ME!" Luffy screamed.

"YOU IDIOT!" was what Zoro yelled back, and yet again I wish I had the ability to laugh. It would have come in handy right now. I felt like I was going to pop from amusement at the hilarity of this situation. "What the heck are you doing!" Zoro grabbed the oars and began to try and paddle his way after Luffy, his hunger now forgotten.

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