Chapter 4

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Yo," Luffy greeted Zoro casually as we strolled towards his prone form that was still snuggly tied up to the pole.

I gave Zoro my own greeting by barking happily at him, my tail still wagging. I don't see how dogs don't run out of energy with their tails wagging all the time - it was really tiring to keep the thing moving all the time. It was like constantly waving your hand at someone.

"It's you again?" questioned Zoro gruffly. "I told you I don't want to be a pirate!"

'Jeez, does he even loosen up?' I thought gruffly.

Luffy though was not fazed and continued talking to Zoro, "I'm Luffy. If I loosen up the ropes, then you're gonna join me, okay?"

"I've told you clearly. I have things that I need to do. Besides I'm not going to be a bad guy like a pirate." Zoro snapped back, but Luffy was not ready to give in that easy. He wasn't about to take no for an answer.

"What's the difference? Everyone already thinks you are a bad guy," Luffy pointed out, as blunt as ever.

"I don't care what they say about me!" snapped Zoro. "I haven't done one thing that I regretted in the past and it will be the same for the future. I won't become a pirate."

"I don't care! You're going to join me!" Luffy's replied, and again I was left laughing mentally at the stubbornness of the rubber-man.

"Don't decide for yourself!" yelled Zoro in rage. Steam was going to start coming out of Zoro's ears if he didn't calm down.

Luffy was still unaffected and asked, "Hey, I heard that you use a katana, is that right?"

"Hmph, if I wasn't being tied up I could use a katana." Thank the Gods, Zoro seemed to have calmed down some. Note to self, if Zoro gets angry talk about swords…. Wait I can't talk so that won't help me. Damn.

"Where is the katana?" Questioned Luffy.

"That bastard kid took it. It's something that I treasure most… Other than my life!" Zoro declared with fervor.

"Oh, treasure huh? It must be something great!" Luffy said before pausing for a few moments and continuing with, "Okay! I'm going to go to where that bastard kid is and get your katana back!"

"What!" yelled a shocked Zoro.

I was starting to feel sort of bad for him – Luffy was relentless. "No" wasn't a word that was registered in his vocabulary.

"But if you want me to return it to you, you'll have to join me!" said the smiling pirate, crossing his arms.

"That's dirty!" screamed Zoro. I do believe Zoro just lost his temper... Again.

Luffy then turned around, declaring that he was going to get the katana now and took off running, ignoring Zoro's yells from behind him.

I wasn't overly keen on the idea of going into the marine base with Luffy. He could handle that one by himself as far as I cared, so I sat down next to Zoro, tilting my head to the side so I could watch him curiously.

"What do you want dog?" Zoro questioned gruffly as if I could answer, so I let my tongue loll out of the side of my mouth with my tail brushing across the ground as it wagged. "Tch." Was the only reply I was graced with before we sat in silence.

'I wonder what my family is doing right now… I hope they're okay,' I thought mentally.

"What… Pirate King… You're joking right?" Zoro's replied as Coby told Zoro of Luffy's dream.

"Hehe, I was a bit shocked when I first heard him, but he's serious," Coby said sheepishly. Of course he's serious - this is Luffy we are talking about.

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