Chapter 16

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I stumbled slowly up to the villagers, Jonny and Yosaku. They were all watching something intently through the broken wall. I had a sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach so I tried to hurry up.

"Am… I... Dreaming?" I heard Yosaku stutter in shock. "What did that shark guy do?"

"I don't know…" Johnny muttered in reply. "I thought he only threw some water, but it knocked those two down and had them coughing up blood!"

Fuck! That didn't sound good at all! I had no time to be limping pathetically like a kicked dog, my pain could be nothing compared to theirs if they were coughing up blood!

I moved from my limping pace to full out sprint in a few second, dashing in between to the villagers as I went. I heard a few of them exclaim in shock as I ran past Yosaku and Johnny and bolted straight towards my friends.

"MAMORI!" I heard the two men cry as I ran past them but I ignored it; now was not the time!

I kept running, fury boiling in my veins as I saw Zoro bleeding and spread eagle on the ground. Next to him was Sanji on his hands and knees coughing; fuck Arlong! Sanji began to stand up and I heard calls from behind us.

"Brother cook! Don't stand up!"

"What happened to Luffy! Don't tell me he is dead!"

Sanji ignored them though as he coughed up a bit more blood before standing up.

"I don't even need to touch you pathetic humans," Alrong sighed. "Just a little water is more than enough for you…This is the difference in power between our races."

"Shut the hell up!" Sanji snapped and swung his leg at Arlong with a cry of, "POITRINE SHOT!"*

Arlong dodged it easily and flung some water at Sanji that managed to knock him over. I darted past Sanji as he slammed into the ground; my fury directed at the damn shark. Somehow when I saw my friends in trouble my pain no longer seemed important and I had more energy than I did before. Cliché, no?

I flung myself towards him at an insane speed, slamming into his chest with a grunt on my part. He seemed to stumble back one step and I lashed out with my teeth. My fangs clamped around his left bicep but I didn't even pierce his skin with my teeth! What the fuck! I was just left hanging off his arms and my teeth clung uselessly onto his skin.

I saw him look down at me with a sneer on his face and he brought up his knee to slam me in the chest. The small amount of air I had managed to keep in my chest before seemed to be smacked it in a rush. I saw black spots in my vision as I dropped my grip and fell to the ground uselessly.

"Shaha! Even this dog did better than you," He taunted Sanji and Zoro; what a dick!

I quickly scrambled up to my feet, my body feeling numb and far away in pain. I felt like I was no longer in control of my body, it just acted on its own as natural instincts took over. I didn't even bother to get my knife out as I jumped at him again, my teeth flashing wildly. I didn't close to him this time though as some of those water bullet looking things came slamming into my chest in the same spot he had kneed me earlier. I was knocked back against the ground again, skidding past Zoro and Sanji. I hacked up a dry doggish cough and felt something come out of my mouth and it was closely follow by the taste of my own blood. Fuck, I was coughing up blood too now? Now I see why Zoro and Sanji were coughing up blood… That attack hurt like a mother fucker.

"Hurry up and die already," I heard Arlong sneer down at us. "It's not as if your lives are worth anything…"

The fuck they weren't! I tried to scrambled back to my feet, yet again I felt I was floating in my body and the only thing I could feel was the damn pain. Where is the damn aspirin when you need it?

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