Chapter 37

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I laid there silently like a statue, waiting for death. I couldn't fight him. He was too strong and I was already too hurt. I held my breath, closing my eyes again as I waited. I could hear my heart beating in my ears, the only standing as a testament to the fact that I was still alive.

'So this is the end of me? All this time only for it to come to this…? I didn't even die protecting my friends. I would have been able to accept that,' The thoughts spun through my head.

I waited. And waited. Nothing happened.

After what felt like a few agonizingly slow minutes, I felt the knife being drawn back and the knee being lifted from my shoulder. I then heard Mr. Cloak drop his ass onto the ground next to me, just sitting there as he crossed his legs.

I rolled onto my side, filching as all the cuts that covered my body twinged. I couldn't find the energy to lift myself off the ground so I kept my head on the ground as I stared at Mr. Cloak.

'The hell…' I muttered.

He let out a long sigh, reaching up to run his hand through his hair again after he slipped the knife away.

"You know, you really have been entertaining… Even if you are weak," He admitted as his grey eyes finally meeting mine. His whole attitude seemed to do a 360 within seconds.

'So… Wait… What?' I muttered in confusion, none of it making sense. If only I could ask him questions.

"I guess I can give you a little more time," He laughed suddenly. "But, you really need to work on your mental state and I know how I can help you do that."

Suddenly I was scooped up in his arms as he stood back up, my back facing down so that I was held like a baby. I yelped in protest, struggling and squirming against his hold.

"Shut the fuck up pup," He hissed and I felt him smack the back of my head. "You've lost a bit of blood so you'll be too dizzy to walk. This will be quicker and I'm not about to kidnap you, I'm helping you back to your friends."

'Well, looks like he hasn't changed that much,' I sighed as the back of my head throbbed. I then let out a grumpy growl before finally settling down. 'How degrading… But I really can't find the energy to fight him. Looks like I might as well trust him... Again. Spidey senses, what do you say?... Oh, so you're not talking to me NOW?'

"Oh, I almost forgot," He muttered as he let go with one of his arms, holding me up with the other. He quickly fished something out of his pants pocket, slipping it into my bandana. "Here is that rose back. I really don't know why you want to keep it."

I looked up to him, flashing him a huge smile now that I had to the rose back. Maybe he wasn't as bad as I thought. I think I might even be able to stand him if he stops trying to kill me every other day.

"Hey, I believe that's your friends," A voice said as I was shaken awake. I grumbled a bit, snuggling back into the arms that were holding me. It took me a few seconds to realize whose arms I was in and what had happened before. When it did click, my eyes shot open and I yelped out loud in protest, wiggling around again.

"Oi!" He hissed as he dropped me, letting me land on the ground. I managed to flip over so I landed on all fours, my body yelling in protest. "Stop being a retard. You were the one who fell asleep not me, so don't get all pissy."

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