Chapter 36

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"CAPTAIN!" The ape's crew called out. "CAPTAIN! What! What is this? What kind of land are we on?"

"I don't know! I don't see anything!" Nami cried out.

"I don't see anything!" Usopp yelled, covering his eyes. "This is a dream!"

"A dream? Really!" Chopper called out.

"Whew! It's just a dream!" All three of them said, calming down as they wiped their brows.

'Idiots!' I yelped as I began to pace back and forth across the railing again, my eyes not leaving the shape in the water as it rose up. Whatever this new threat was, it could not be good. Somehow I doubted I would be able to stop it by myself as well. As the creature broke the water's surface right next to the boat all the water rushed of its back to reveal its true form. It resembled a massive turtle and its jaws were the ship Luffy, Sanji, and Zoro were on!

"Ahh…" Robin interrupted. "The guys in the water were swallowed by that thing, right?"

"Don't say they were eaten!" Usopp yelled back, tears running out of his eyes.

"Hmm, the pipes are running out of its mouth. I was right," Robin said calmly. I panicked a bit when I saw what she was talking about. The pipes that allowed the other three to breathe were hanging out of the turtles mouth.

'Shit!' I swore as I eyed the turtle.

"Don't say that!" Usopp exclaimed.

"Waaah!" Chopper panicked. "Luffy and the others were eaten alive!"

'HEY!' I screamed mentally at the giant turtle, not sure if it could hear me or not. 'You! Oi! You lump of soup! SPIT MY FRIENDS OUT NOW!'

My yelling was accompanied by a loud howl of rage as I threw my head up in the air, stamping my paws unhappily on the railing. I froze suddenly as the monster's eyes seemed to rotate around settle on me.

'Oh… Oh…' I gaped, nervously taking one step back but the monster did not seem to want to come towards us yet. He looked more than happy to keep munching on his boat.

"It's all your fault!" Usopp accused. "You told them to go to the bottom of the Grand Line! You said it was going to be okay without any proof!"

"Yeah…" She admitted before calmly calling out. "Sorry!"

"Hey... Shouldn't your attitude be a little more-" Usopp started to say but was cut off as the boat jerked suddenly.

With a yelp I slipped off the railing, falling onto the decking of the boat. As my side hit the wood I grunted, rolling straight over and jumping back up to try to find the cause of that sudden jerk. I looked around, my eyes zeroing in on the lines that were hanging out of the turtle's mouth. I noticed how tight the lines were and they were holding strong.

"It seems if we do not cut off the air pipes," Robin said as we were dragged towards the giant turtle by the pipes. "We will be pulled underwater along with the boat."

"NOOOOOOOOO!" Usopp screamed out.

"Robin! You're strong!" Nami pointed out. "Do something!"

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