Chapter 9

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My ears twitched as I heard people muttering about Captain Kuro and being done for. That couldn't be good if his own crew was saying that.

"It has been pretty long since dawn, I was wondering why the plan wasn't carried out," said Klahadore, or should I say Captain Kuro because this man was different from the butler. It was the man from my staring contest. And he was much more pissed than last time. To prove my point he screamed, "WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED!" He then collected himself as he carried calmly, but with a sneer in his voice. "I didn't expect you to be held up by these kids, the Black Cat Pirates have been reduced to a truly pitiful state. Isn't that right Jango!"

"But… But… That day you said we could let the kid go… Cause he didn't affect out plans!" defended Jango.

"Yes, I did say that. So what! He still cannot affect our plans, I expected that he would come after us. I didn't expect your uselessness. I don't want anymore excuses!" Kuro snapped darkly.

"You said we're useless…" said Sham front in front of me, his broken arm clutched by his working arm.

"Don't look down on us Captain Kuro," Buchi hissed.

"What are you trying to say?" Kuro asked with a dangerous glint in his eyes.

Jango attempted to shut the damn cats up. A futile attempt if I ever saw one.

"That was three years ago Captain Kuro! You've been pampering yourself in this village! But we've never stopped our attacking," continued Sham.

"We've attacked many villages and sank a lot of ships!" Buchi boasted.

My wounds were starting to itch more as I stood still, the pain coming back as my mind had time to concentrate on the pain. I turned my eyes back to my side just quickly and saw that orange fur was matted and stained with patches of red blood. The wounds were not fully visible though because of my thick fur. The side of my muzzle also tickled, so I allowed my tongue to flick out the side, and wipe away as much of the blood there as I could. If I could hazard a guess, I was guessing that the cuts were only into the fatty tissue of my skin, not all the way through to the bones or intestines. Which meant that I would be alright for a little while before I bled to death, but it would still be damn painful.

My head snapped back around as Sham yelled, "We won't allow ourselves to be killed for a stupid reason like a 'failed plan'!"

"You've been inactive for three years! Do you still think you can beat us, the Nyaban brothers!" Screamed Buchi.

"You're no longer our captain!" The yelled, both charging at him at the same time. I saw Sham shift his injured arm out in front of him, as if ready to use it, but I didn't miss the flash of pain that crossed his face as he did so. "Instead of being killed by you silently, we might as well kill you first!"

They both jumped forward at the same time, slashing where Kuro had been standing before. All they slashed was the bag that Kuro had been carrying.

He appeared behind the brothers, his weapons that were long blades on each of his fingers, showing. "Who did you say you were going to kill?" he hissed.

"When did he get behind them…" Usopp said in befuddlement.

"Ah! It's the 'Nuki Ashi'," called out one of Kuro's pirates.

"What a weird looking weapon," Zoro said, his teeth clenched together. Now that they Nyaban brothers weren't close enough to attack me I slipped forward, plodding clumsily and with a limp on one side, up to Zoro.

"He's behind us?" hissed Sham, both of the brothers spinning around to try and see Kuro, but he had already gone by the time they had turned around.

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