Two{°} Dinner

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The drive was longer than expected.

I was beginning to feel thirsty at some point. I was having an itch in my throat. Normally when I experienced such itch, it was a quick signal that I needed a cigarette to cool me down. Well, at the moment I can't do that cause I've stopped taking those; I joined this smokers rehabilitation club and well, things have turned out a bit okay for me since then.

After the long drive, I finally arrived at an address similar to what I was told.

The street had several flats with similar building structures and finding the right address was an extremely difficult task.
I checked the paper I had written the address in my pocket to confirm that I was at the right place.

I went door to door, not really knocking but checking the addresses.

A little bit old school? Yeah,I know.

"12698b". I read it to my self, looking at the paper and then ringing the door bell. Standing at the door, I felt convinced that this was the one.
I could hear sounds as if someone was walking coming from the other side of the door, inside the house. The door nob Begin to move and the door suddenly open. I could see a kid standing behind it .He's probably around 10 to 11 years
Of age and his hands were busy with the Xbox his holding.

"Ehmm." Wasn't sure what to say or how to introduce myself.
"Yeah, what do you want?" He asks sounding a bit rude.
"Is this 12698b?" I ask but stuttering a bit.
"Yes!" He answers. His attention is all fixed to the Xbox.

I hear voices coming from inside.
"Who's that you're talking to, David?" Someone asks from inside. Sounded like a lady's voice.
"No one!" He answers rudely. His respond was enough to get me upset, I just had to play cool.

"Ehmm." I'm upset but keeping my cool,wouldn't want too lose it to a kid .

I figured his name was David and perhaps the lady that spoke earlier was perhaps his mom or sister.
I was certain the kid didn't want me coming in because he didn't make an attempt to invite me in as a visitor, rather he stood at the door with his Xbox in his hands like a security guard.
"Are you sure?" The lady from inside asks again.
"Come see for yourself!" Answering rudely. I was getting pist off. It was like he wasn't seeing me and I was right in front of him.

A lady walks to the door and then stood behind the kid. She's average in height, dressed in a blue knee level gown. Her hair is all locked in as nicely woven braids and she has glasses on. She appears to be my psychologist, but just looking different from her usual self. She's looking prettier than usual and the bright light inside the house reflects on her dark complexion making her stand out, the light definitely makes her look even more glamorous.

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