Nine{°} Tingly Feelings

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We finished dinner right in time before the electricity went off. I didn't plan for the electricity going off so I did not make any plans of having  gasoline around for the gasoline genitor.

The electricity was something one could never trust, a friend but then the cash drainer. We paid high choking bills for electricity and some other essential services and  still we didn't get to enjoy them the way we spent for it.

Anyways, I was thankful it didn't go off when we were having dinner but rather when we had just finished.

It went up to Jasmina's  room and grabbed these flash lights of hers and a lantern. I brought them back to the dinning were everyone had sat. The lantern was bright enough to brighten the room where we we.

Gideon felt it was time for him to head home, Mr.Chucks insisted on staying back to offer a helping hand with the chores, Aunt Femi wanted to help too.

It's embarrassing when the visitors are the ones tidying up the place after meal time. I could place a justification to this one on it just being the Christmas spirit of helping ones neighbor.

I walked him out with a gasoline gallon with hopes of buying gasoline from the gasoline station not too far from here. We walked to where he parked his car. Arriving there, he discovered that his car had a flat tyre. Guess it might have been some bumps and pot holes he encountered on his way here that lead to the tyre mess.

I watched him yelled, "Damn!" Wearing this annoyed look on. I found it amusing to hear him say that.

Anyways there was no need for the panic cause I knew someone who was more than capable of fixing his tyre and despite the fact that it was Christmas he'd be more than willing to help. He's just gonna do it because of me. My charms has its way of working little magic on everyone. Well, not everyone, just almost everyone.

We both tried stopping a cab but none seem to be heading our way. The entire neighborhood was extremely quiet and I was pretty sure no cab would even bother heading this way.

I suggested we walked but Gideon was hot headed and insisted on waiting a little longer to see if a cab would come our way but his waiting was in vain.

After a while he agreed. I didn't know what came over me and the instant I grabbed him by the hand with a smile telling him to follow my lead. Must have been the dumbest thing I've ever done, or, the weirdest.

We started our expedition to find the tyre fixing guy and also not forgetting, to buy gasoline with this little boring walk.

I strongly felt it would be a good opportunity to have a nice talk with Gideon. But yet again the problem wasn't having the conversation with him though, but how to start one with him.

I made several attempts to start a conversation; an action born of faith I guess, but failed because I was lacking the self confidence. How was this possible? I literally talked to many people, most of which are guys but why was his own turn so hard. He had a way of getting in my head.

"I'm getting bored!" I said making my first attempt to start a meaningful conversation with him.

Wasn't much of the idle conversation starter I guess.

Him paying a deaf ear to what I just said somehow signalled discouragement into my spirit.

"Hey!" Another bold attempt but still feeling a bit nervous.

"What?" He says with a cute but serious look on his face.

"Don't you want to say something?" I say with this upset look.

"Its like your not a part of this life!" I'm pissed off by how he behaves.

"What do you want me to say?" Well he was right here though, what was there to say in this awkward situation.

"Anything!" I say raising my voice with displeasure on his attitude.

"Anything that's gonna proves that your a part of this world..." I continued talking with an ugly frown. I'm really annoyed.

"I think you're kinda cute!" He unexpectedly say. Was it the devil in him talking? If it was, well, not adorable but he was gonna make blush.

I'm not sure what to say but the feeling I was having on the inside was awkwardness. I pause a bit, felt like time stopped, wasn't what I was expecting to hear.

The last time someone told me that was when I was 9, in grade 3 and back then I was still really tender.

I began to feel had this unusual feeling, kinda like the same one I had the first time we met. Infatuation? Yeah, maybe. I think I could justify my feeling of infatuation by the intense feeling of awkwardness around the atmosphere, maybe it was just that.

Just that line Captured 'I think you're cute', my mind. It had me trapped in my head. I couldn't tell when I began blushing,I mean I became unconscious though I was conscious;I was lost in my own thoughts.

Words flew from my lips and not much was in my head to say.

"Ehmm." Was the only thing I could think of at the moment.

" I wasn't expecting that and I'm not sure I know what to say..." I struggled with my words but was successful in constructing that line.

"Nothing serious! It's just a complement!" He says. Was this guy attempting to flatter me?

"Oh." I'm tangled in my own thoughts.

"Yeah!" My face is already revealing how deep his talk sank into my head by me blushing, it causes me to feel really embarrassed.

"A friend once told me complement a pretty lady when you see one and that's what I did." In a flirting way he brings justification to what he said earlier.

I wasn't expecting any of this. I bet this is what you get when you try to make an non talkative person talk much. He gets to flirt and mess around with your head. The patient messing with the doctor is what's happening right now.

I couldn't help but wonder if a friend really told him that or it was just a full proof justification to pull down the silly assumptions which I was already having.

We continued talking as we walked and the intense feeling of awkwardness slowly faded away.

I was beginning to feel that he was starting to generate a sense of trust for me, though it was something I could prove now but in future I know I will.

Well I was even a bit surprised to hear him praise the meal he ate at my house earlier. The guy was acting different from other days today.

Going back to his complement about my looks, my mind was still stuck to that, did a friend really told him to complement good looking people or was it a lie to justify his talk; he doesn't look like someone capable of making friends, I don't mean to sound rude or something but his actions said a lot about it.

Our walked seemed endless, and luckily for us, a cab drove by and stopped where we were but Gideon refused to board it and I was stupid enough to give in to his plea. Maybe he was enjoying the walk, quiet street, nice decorations and the refreshing breeze. Maybe it was something he was fond of or something else that I couldn't just figure. He was enjoying the walk I guess.

We walked for minutes that seemed to be hours, maybe because of him, but we finally arrived at our destination. We were both lucky too see the tyre fixing guy. He owned the gasoline station I often bought gasoline from and well I was his top customer, he was well, also a mechanic. He's been the one fixing all my vehicle related damaged stuff.

He was more than willing to help cause I was involved. My charm magic.


{Another chapter completed. I'm wondering how  and why the sky's so 💙

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