Seven{°} Little moves

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Three months seemed to be like yesterday. How fast time went by.

Gideon was still  a pain in the neck. Not much changed from him. His therapy sessions went from bad to worse as days flew by; they were so terrible that even I myself couldn't tell when it was already three months since his first session.

Although he wasn't the only one that was under at the  clinic, he was definitely the one giving me a hard time. He made everyday difficult for me, for us.

I know Gideon stood as  the kinda new obstacle in my career, I just needed to push him over in other to elevate my career to a whole new level. By push him over, I was meaning that in a good way and not bad.

I felt like quitting on him on several  occasions but somehow managed to convince myself not too.

Remembering those encouraging words from Uncle Bens  big quote "...if you've gat a bad day or a client giving you the attitude, it ain't enough reason to give up! Rather take a deep breathe when ever you feel like your efforts ain't worth it and press on...".

Well I guess, pressing on was what I hard to be doing. He was right, you know.

The big dreams and accomplishments in my life was seeing people get over their drama and escaping those dark night walls hunting and enclosing them to self defeat through their depression.


Christmas was something that was fast approaching. That time of the year that was loved by all.

It was one of the holidays I really enjoyed celebrating.

Becoming a part of uncle's family was one thing and celebrating Christmas was another.  Well, Christmas holidays were something else; oh all the trill and fun. We were fond of celebrating the Christmas holidays together, it was a family tradition, an unbroken ritual.

Sadly for this year's own though. It was definitely gonna be different.  Uncle Ben had a server stroke and heart attack that lead him to be flown outside the country to receive medical attention. Since then, his recover process has been  really slow but totally worth it. His condition is still being monitored despite the progress that has been achieved. he's been there for a while now.

Though he may be far , we've managed to stay in touch through Skype , WhatsApp and Zoom. Keeping him informed about the daily happenings around here has been my job for a while now, and well, it's safe to say he's aware of Gideon. I honestly had to tell him and seek advice on how to handle the guy.

Jasmina doesn't say much about Uncle Ben, but it's easy to tell she misses him a lot. I've witness both of them go from war bad to best friends; but honestly speaking, it took time to arrive at that point. Years of hard work and patience from him and it eventually payed off in the end.

Going back to Gideon, maybe I could categorize him as Jasmina and then place myself as Uncle Ben. It didn't seem that bad. Maybe I could handle him a lot better if I followed his method on how he dealt with Jasmina.

Make him feel comfortable, allowing him to dwell in his comfort zone and then taking the baby steps.

Hmm, I guess it wouldn't be bad to tackling him the way uncle Ben did with Jasmina.

I knew in a way Gideon didn't trust me, and I understand that, but yet again, being his doctor, it was something I deserved.

Getting him to trust me as his doctor was something too much maybe but maybe from a friendship level they'd be much of difference; and maybe it would be something that was gonna go a long way.

Well, since Christmas was close, maybe inviting him over to my place for a little Christmas dinner wouldn't be that bad.  It would be a baby foot step thing anyways.

Actually the idea of having the Christmas dinner was uncle Ben's idea, on Skype.

He was like "...I know myself and aunt won't be home for this year's Christmas, so why not invite some friends over to join you celebrate the Christmas with you?"

His actual kids already had families of there own already and had long moved out of the house.

We argued a bit about this matter but everything ended with me yielding to his words which didn't seem like a bad idea.

Despite knowing I had Jasmina over here, she wasn't  fond of our Christmas dinner rituals, rather she was a fan of loud out door club and party stuff.

I wouldn't want to be spending the Christmas with her son David, the annoying brat.

We both end up arguing alot around here like a  cat and a dog. Even with the little tussle we most times engage in, I'm proud to say that he's been the best thing that has ever happened to Jasmina.

Childhood for both of us, especially her being the eldest, wasn't easy, but somehow in her life she was able to experience true love.

She met this guy Louis, both of them fell in love and the love magic happened.

They dated for six straight months, one could say it was a perfect relationship; they were a perfect pair, I mean it was so we thought. Things went smooth for both of them and he was of a great impact in Jasmina's life in a good way.

She stopped smoking, began drinking less and even found a better way to take out her frustration rather than confining herself to the bottle.

She went as far as even going to rehab, something we never thought she'd do but she did.

When we thought Jasmina had finally found happiness, chaos had to happen.

Louis gained scholarship to study in Turkey. At first it was felt like a breakthrough at some point but then it was too good to be true.

Both kept in touch for the first two months, before the worst happened; Louis stopped calling, he wasn't picking calls from Jasmina either and in the end it lead to a breakup. With the way everything was going, it was definitely bound to happen.

Somethings are just too good to be true. This was the case.

Jasmina discovered she was pregnant four months after Louis left her. At first she tried doing the option every frustrated and devastated young lady in her condition would do, abortion!
Guess like it didn't work out for her. The child in her womb was a fighter and wanted to behold the days light even without a dad.

David was born and ever since then, she's been showering all the love she never had on him. He's the reason she started thinking more about life and she's been fixing what's left from the her wasted years.

I guess that's why he's a hot headed kid, its a trait from his mom.

Anyways, back to reality, it wouldn't be bad inviting few people over, and well, giving a try to invite Gideon over  wouldn't be much of a bad  ideas. Him agreeing and coming over would just be a sign of  improvement, socialization and perhaps even personal desire to interaction with not just me but also others around too.


{Another one done and dusted.}

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