Fourteen// Chasing Butterflies🎀

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I got home feeling famished and tired. The day was extremely stressful and maybe I wouldn't have forsaken the temptation of taking another cup of coffee earlier. Honestly, I don't take beyond one cup of coffee during my work breaks and I don't like having much caffeine content in my system.

I was welcomed home by Jasmina who was already in the kitchen preparing dinner and her annoying son David who had already turned the living room upsidedown with his toys all over the place.
"Welcome back." Jasmina said from inside the Kitchen.
"Yeah,I'm sure glad to be home!" I said with my tiredness in full display as I fall to the couch.
" The day must have been really stressful?" Jasmina said trying to be caring.
"Yeah it really was but is there any day that's never stressful and stress-free for you?". She said and then we both erupted to laughing.

I take off my shoes and lab coat,but still flat on the couch. Jasmina joins me where I lay down. She struggles but then finds space by the side. I notice how she sat uncomfortably,I shift a bit creating enough space for her to feel more relaxed.

" What are you cooking?" The aroma from coming from the kitchen tempts my stomach and makes it rumble.
"Nothing much just beef stew." Jasmina says with a smirk.
"Don't worry before your belly starts eating you up, I'd already be done." Adds.
"I'm less worried then."I said with a smile.

I've always known Jasmina as an excellent cook. She may have played her cards wrong in her early childhood, but that didn't stop her from retracing her steps and pursuing a career of her own. She undertook a cooking career,at first I couldn't get her reasons for choosing that,but I can say she followed her heart and it wasn't that bad. She owns her own business; she runs a pastry store where she sells pastries and showcases some of her wonderful skills. She been able to make a life for herself.

We hard dinner,from there I ushered myself to the shower,took my bath,brushed my teeth and then got ready for bed.

As I feel flat on my bed, ready too shot my eyes to welcome sleep,thoughts of what happened and transpired earlier today began crossing my thoughts.

I thought of this family that had a patient I had been treating. Mr and Mrs Thompson was what the entire hospital knew them for and their 12 years old daughter was struggling with reoccurring anxiety attacks. I had been handling her case for a while now and her mom is trying to rush her treatment process. I wouldn't want a child such as herself to start relying on antidepressants at this young age of hers.

Her mom's really strict and its something one can't hide. I strongly feel she's a factor contributing to her child's anxiety and my fatigue. I wouldn't want to pock my nose in family affairs that doesn't concern me and lecture someone on how to be a better parent when I myself haven't become one. The child,is being placed under an intense situation of constantly pushing herself to a certain level even herself can't comprehend trying to please her mother. Her mom seemed to be the one calling all the shot's in the family. From what I've heard from rumors carried by the wind, she receives a higher pay at her place of work compared to her husband who receives less and she's been the dominant voice in her marital home. I wouldn't want to interfere in someone else's marital life so though the rumors seem believable I choose not too believe in them.

Moving on too other stuff that transpired today is the time I spent with Gideon. Makes me blush, though can't tell why, anytime I think about how open he was with me earlier. I can't say we are friends, neither can I say we share the bond a doctor and patient should share, but I can say we are heading somewhere.

I don't know how long he was sitting out there being kept company by Mr.Chucks but I was like 'wow' seeing him there.

As walked outside from my office down to the lobby area,there he was, enjoying the company of Chuck's ever fun and funniest. I'm not sure I knew what they were talking about but I hoped I wasn't involved in their discussion.

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