Twenty one//Memory lane🎀

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"There was this club,I remember back in my day I used to hang out with my friends." He said.

"Darts and Hearts,was what they called the place. Back in my day,it was where the big boys hanged out." He said with a smirk, like everything was being reformed.

"I had special memories there..." What could one expect, everyone has unforgettable memories in such places. From the alluring women to the test of fine whiskey and then cigarettes. It's not like I do take such things,now,but I've been a victim of pleasure, and I'm aware  of the feeling of satisfaction the devil offers with those.

His talk just reminds of my own self. My own years of the bachelor's,well,I'm still a bachelor anyways,I can say I'm still living the bachelor's life but with restrictions.

Moving on to his story.

"Darts and Hearts was the big boys house."
" I remembered that I had just turned 31, it was 1983 and I was balling with my Mercedes-Benz 280sl Cabriolet 1983-E&R Classic I just bought to mark my life's achievement;life began to show me the good side, suddenly my eyes captured a dazzling germ..." The guy did a good job in sweet talking and present a lady as a dazzling germ,I'm thinking of taking courtship lessons from him,he was perhaps a smooth criminal of his day.

"She was the most beautiful thing I'd ever seen!" He said.
"Beautiful than your car?" I jokingly tease him.
" Of course not!" We both laugh. Guess like I was able to tease him for the first time without feeling too uncomfortable.
" But jokes apart,she was like an angel." That statement made me wonder if he had seen an actual angel before.
" That point I knew I wanted her. I didn't know who she was,I cared less about it but I knew she was the one meant for me." At this point I could tell she eventually ended up being his kid's mom.
"Okay,but it's weird." I said looking at him awkwardly.
"No it isn't!"
"It was me seen an angel and knowing heaven sent her for me!" An iconic statement.
"Later on,I found out that she worked in Dart and Hearts as one of their bar attendants. She was pretty enough to capture the attention of other guys too and I knew it was gonna be a competition to get her." He said as he chuckled. Couldn't tell why he did that but I knew it was something he was thinking about.
"Like every club,it was the den of perverts and the guys there wasted no time in touching her in the most awkward places anytime she served them drinks. I could tell she didn't like it but the pay pushed her to go through that hell." Maybe this was what made him chuckle.
"So you didn't do it?" A stupid question I couldn't help but ask.
"Do what?" He felt confused.
"Do what the other guys,the perverts did?" I asked.
"Well..." He stress.
"I didn't." Wasn't a trustworthy answer.
"I liked her enough to respect her even without knowing her,and besides I may have been the clubhouse guy but ain't a pervert."
"Hmm..." From all he's said, I can say he doesn't look like one that could shy from something everyone else was doing and besides he admits she was beautiful.

"So,um,when did you finally get to play the cards?" I'm implying on when did he eventually start the lady's chase thing.
"Well..." Tries to remember.
"Maybe six months after seeing her." Was so sure coz it's been a really long time and his memories are probably already too weak to recall all of that.

I'm left to ponder about something for a while.

"Hmm..." Says as he notices I'm lost in space from my quietness.
"If there's anything I've learnt, life  doesn't give us what we want the way we want,but time give opportunities in the most unimaginable situations." He said,he's pretty old and he's seen all sides of life, honestly what he said conveyed undoubted truth.
"I think,I tried courting her the bad boy way!" He said smirking.
"What's that?" Wasn't sure that's even a thing. He probably made it up.
"I tried buying her with my flashy car,my expensive watch I really regret buying and my sweet talk."
"Ah!" I get it now.
Now I'm left to wonder if his life was like that;I mean he had a car,an expensive brand of it's day, how did he end up being a hospital's genitor,the cleaning guy. I'm left off with the philosophy of my grandfather   'time makes the new the old and life makes the rich of their day the poor of our day.'

"So did the bad boy tactic ever worked?" Me just being inquisitive coz the situation called for it though the question seemed unreasonable.
"Nope!" We both take a break on the drinks, frankly speaking we forgot about them.
"She looked cheap but wasn't!" Shaking his head as he said.
"I think I may have been rushing things,so I decided to take things slow after all if she was the one,things was sure gonna work out with time. And things did."

"It was a cold night,she had just stepped out to take out the trash, just outside the club. Her alluring and revealing outfit was revealing enough to catch the attention of some perverts that decided to pay her a visit when she stepped out. They tried harassing her, lucky enough I was the hero of the night. I bet the hell out of them,well,they were already too drunk to fight back so I had the up hand though out numbered." I knew he must have felt like a hero.

"That same night,I drove her home. I strongly felt I had killed two beds with one stone;the first was gaining her trust and second,her address." The guy was a smooth criminal, taking advantage of everything.

"I brought her home but she was still in shock for what had happened earlier,so I walked her to the door of her apartment making sure she was safe." He said.
"It wasn't like I was taking advantage of the situation but it was fate I suppose." A false justification. It seemed like he was.
"I made a quick knock on her door coz I could tell someone else was inside coz of the bright light from inside the house visible on the windows. It didn't take long for the door too open and a lady stepped out."
"I'm not quite sure what happened next, but I know the lady was her friend and both of them were sharing the house." He said ending this part of his long talk.

"From there,I could say that our whole love story started." Says with as he chuckles.
I think this is the part where my mind begins to summarize everything base on the all information acquired from all he's shared so far.
"We where in love if I may say and life was kind to both of us. She stopped working at the club and started working at a small store,I got several promotions in my place of work;I used to be an account." He said.
Once again I'm left in the dark,it seemed to be as if in his story,he fell from grace, from an account to a genitor.

"Things where okay till I brought her home to show my parents that she was the one I wanted to spend the rest of my life with."

"Well, after one year of courtship,we tired the knot and shortly after,well,stuff happened." He happy face turns to a sad one.
" What kinda stuff happened?" I guess this gat to be the part life turned him ta a punching back.
" I used to work as an account in a bank,the country had just entered a recession and were forced to let go of some workers in the work force. I was dropped from my job." Said in a mellow voice.
"Okay?" Was sure what to express at this point.
"She took in, the life we were living wasn't the one I imagined. We relied on my savings for the first few months after I was sacked from my job,but what could little savings ever do?" Wasn't asking a question meant to be answered.
"Edison was born..."
So his boy's name's Edison huh.
"Well,life was tough,sold my car,moved to a smaller apartment, worked several side jobs but it wasn't enough. Soon enough the woman I called my life dumped me cause she felt it was what she signed up for."

"I was left alone with just our three months old son. I had to work hard to make sure he had his milk when it was meal time,it was hell as fu*k!"

"After several months of hell with Edison,I decided,to just leave him in the doors of an orphanage."
"Wait,you felt like abandoning the kid?" I never knew such thing could ever cross his mind.
"Yeah,I felt maybe in an orphanage home he could get the meal he deserved and he wouldn't have to live  in a house with a leaking roof."
"But at the point where I was about to leave him at the door's of the orphanage home,the father's guilt began hunting me. I couldn't do it. I didn't do it." He added.
I smile, genuinely this time.
"I brought him home to our leaking house. Life didn't get any easier but as long as my boy was with me, it was fine. My mom passed away when I needed her the most, though she was already old. Then they was  a fire out break in the neighborhood that destroyed several infrastructures, including were we lived  that ended up destroying all my certificate and degrees and the little we had. In all I'm still thankful for life." Says smiling back at me.



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