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It was September 16, to be precise. My assistant Tomiwa had just handed over a folder of my new client to me. I wasn't feeling too excited about this one cause the previous patient was a pain in the neck; the most difficult to handle in my entire years of practice as a mental therapist.

I opened the folder to quickly glance through the details of the patient I'd be handling. I was still reading through the folder when this tall guy walked in, accompanied by my Tomiwa my assistant. The lady that stepped out earlier immediately after handing the folder over to me.

He had this alluring appearance that could make any lady fall for him
He was definitely good looking. His charm was definitely one that could not be resisted. I couldn't help but stare, lost in my own head.

"Ehmm, he's the new patient!" Tomiwa whispers to my ears in her calm gentle voice. Shortly after, she excuses herself and steps out of the office.

"Are you sure your the patient or my nurse made a mistake?" I teasingly ask. He didn't look like something was wrong with him.

From the record in the folder, it said he was suffering from depression and frequently had anxiety attacks. he had a record of attempting to pull the strings by commit suicide on several occasions. He was a record holder of frustrating several of his previous psychologist that had handled his case.

Though the folder said a lot about him, his appearance didn't look like one troubled by anything.

"Maybe its someone else? Like a twin of yours that's suppose to be here and not you, perhaps?" I tease him but he didn't look like someone in the mood for silly jokes. I felt embarrassed.

He offers a cute smile and then answers.

"Sometimes it's not actually what you think that's actually the case..." He said adding with a crampy voice.

"Hmm...okay?" I didn't get what he meant. But well at least I made him smile on his first day. That was a sign that we we're off to a good start.

"Anyways, I'm Ruth." I introduced myself and then offer a hand shake.

"I'm Gideon!" He said but declines my hand shake by looking away.

I could tell he wasn't the friendly type of guy. I wasn't expecting him to turn down my hand shake, it felt really embarrassing.

From the time he walked in,
to the time he took his sit, his head was all faced down. I knew he was trying to avoid making eye contact with me. Even the few times we he looked at me, he was quick to look away.

His dark brown eyes and paled lips gave him this kind of charm that was inresistable. His neck and fore arm tattoos made him stand out like the bad boy he was.

"So? How are you feeling?" I begin the session by doing the normal doctor introduction thing.

"Not fine and also fine." His answer didn't quite sink in and his attitude was beginning to annoy me.

I was beginning to understand why his previous psychologist felt frustrated and eventually dismissed him.

"Ah okay?" I said offering a fake smile.

I spent an hour in a therapy session with this guy. Honestly it was the worst I've ever participated in. I could tell that despite knowing it wasn't his first time to be undergoing a therapy session, he wasn't use to opening up. Truth be told, no one is ever use to that.

I went home with this feeling of awkwardness and failure. I was great at first impressions and it was always on my first day I made huge progress with my clients.

I couldn't tell why this unusual feeling of disappointment but I knew it was because of that charming patient of mine.

I was beginning to think much about him and thoughts about him made me blush a lot.

Despite his bad boy looks, I knew deep inside he wasn't what his appearance was telling. He looked perfectly fine from the outside but the truth is he was part of some kind of tragedy that he was trying his best to hide. I was eager to know what it was.

One thing was certain though, I'd be treating his case for the next months to come.

Gideon wasn't the only person I was handling, but he turned out to actually be the most terrible and also the most annoying person I had ever dealt with.

One thing was for sure, he was a difficult person to deal with and also very tricky, so dealing with him, I knew I needed to consult people that were more experienced in handling cases like his.

Amongst the people I consulted was my uncle; he was more than a mere uncle to me, he was like a dad. He told me a lot and most of his advice seemed helpful at first but in reality didn't do much.

Gideon didn't say much about what was he was going through. He was always keeping stuff to himself, even after knowing I was his therapist. I'd told him a million times that a problem shared is a problem solved and beside as his psychologist, it was my right to know his problem and his troubling thoughts.

It was clear he lacked trust towards me and it wasn't helping.


{I've started the re-editing of the entire work. Not much has been changed, just did little grammar corrections here and there and all that.}

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