Three{°} The walk

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We've been walking for a while now and the quietness of street seems to be making me feel awkward.

I often times felt like she wanted to say something but didn't know how or where to start talking; me, I no just wanted too meet the guy capable of fixing my tyre so I'd be out of here.

Despite the long walk, no cab seemed to be heading our way. Her neighborhood seemed to be really strange, its like nobody appears to be around.

Quiet? For sure. But well, it's was too quiet. But well they were still these street decorations. Bold merry Christmas fonts on billboards and posters were definitely in display.

"I'm getting bored!" She makes an attempt to hopefully creating an idle conversation. I pretend not to hear her.

"Hey!" Seems like she's tired of walking alongside me, it was like we were like this couple that had just gone through a breakup.

"What?" I said looking ahead.

"Don't you want to say anything?" The question seems really silly. I ignore it.

"It's like you're not part of this life!" She says with both arms crossed.

"What do you want me to say?" She's being troublesome; I turn facing her, give her this stare and then smile. The smile wasn't a genuine one.


"Anything that's gonna prove you're part of this world and that you're not some kinda ghost walking with me!" She adds wearing an upset look on her face, I go mute for a while.

"I think you're cute." I'm kinda joking.

"What?" Surprised.

She wanted me to say something and that's what I did.

"What was that?" She's pretending not too hear what I said but her blushing cheeks and the smile she was trying to hide proved that she heard me loud and clear.

"I said you're cute!" I repeat myself.

"Ehmm" Surprised.

"I wasn't expecting that and I'm not sure I know what to say..." She begins to blush even more than before and its something she's unable to hide.

She was the Therapist and I was the patient but I was the one playing the mind game.

"Nothing serious! It's just a complement!" Honestly I was complementing her looks, I wouldn't want her mind thinking more than what she already was.

I avoid making eye contacts with her to avoid causing awkward feelings; things were already feeling weird and I wouldn't want to add to that.

"Okay?" She's already enveloped with silly thoughts.

"Yeah?" She's feeling a bit embarrassed now. Bends her head and faces the ground, covering her face with her hand.

"A friend once told me complement a pretty lady when you see one and that's what I did." She blushes again but still feeling a embarrassed. I guess I was flirting with her. Flirting wasn't my intention, just kinda happened.

The neon light from the moon and bright colourful street decorations were bright enough to light up the street, so they was no need for the flash light anymore.

"Okay! Thanks for the complement!" She's still blushing.

"So how far is it?" I'm bring our focus back to the main issue at hand.

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