Four{°} Texts And Awkwardness

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I was really grateful for the guy that had my tyres fixed. He really did a good job and the best part was the fact that he charged me nothing after having the tyres fixed. The guy was also kind enough to lecture me on some tips on how to resolve some flat tyre issues such as the one I had earlier.

I knew all the guy did was because of her; I'm kinda grateful for that.

That night, I drove home feeling really thankful and probably tired from all that walking.

Arriving home, I felt really exhausted. I could tell my legs were really stressed out. Walking was really something else; something never meant for me. Though I was extremely tired, I managed to get myself ready for bed.

A warm bath to get myself all cleaned up. I stayed submerged in the bathtub for a while, letting the warmth from the water work it's magic with my body

As I laid down on the bed, I couldn't help but wonder how she might have been feeling. I knew that if I was this exhausted, she must also be and maybe even twice as tired.

I wouldn't want to deny the that despite her being she annoying and nosy at some point, I still enjoyed a little of her company, something I wasn't expecting.

As I laid on my bed still pondering about her, my phone bleeps.

'Bleep! Bleep!". It was an incoming message from my WhatsApp messenger.

I opened it to see who it was from.

" Hi." It said but wasn't sure who sent it.

"Ehmm...who's this?" I text back still pondering. A bit rude, I know but I was just being me.

"Don't you have my number?" The sender asks. The question was enough to get me confused.

"I'm Ruth." She sends again. I wasn't quite familiar who Ruth was.

"Familiar with the name?" The sender asks.

"Ruth?" I text back not sure I knew who it was. I gaze at the roof trying to figure out who this Ruth was.

Familiarity was something really far from my head now.

"Your Therapist." She sends again. Now I knew who was texting. Now it was a question of why?

Honestly I didn't know her name was Ruth and I wasn't expecting her to text. Everyone around her was fond of calling her Doctor or Doc. Though everyone called her that, somehow my head settled for the name Psycho, not Doc or Doctor.

"Ah?" I said to myself feeling surprised.

"I know you're wondering how I got your number and why I'm texting 😅😅!" Another incoming text from her.

I get up from the position in which I laid and sat up straight.

"Concerning my number, I'm not surprised about that......but you texting? Yeah." I texted back.

I was aware that we've exchanged numbers several times, but well I did not bother to save her number in my phone but then I definitely knew she saved mine but I wasn't quite sure I understood the reason behind why she was texting.

She stops texting for a while. Then suddenly my phone vibrates and bleeps again. A message had just come in.

"Okay." Was what she sent.

"I just wanted to know if you've gotten home safe. Nothing else😅😅." I hadn't finished reading the previous text when this one came in.

I couldn't get it why she was being so awkwardly caring. Definitely not sweet but well, adorably annoying is fair to say.

Silly thoughts begins to invade my head but I manage to wave a few off.

"WEIRD😕." I text back accompanied by an emoji. I know it didn't seem right texting that.

"😅😅😅." Emoji's came in.

From the emoji, I could tell she feeling awkward with the entire chat and I don't blame her for that I was feeling the same way.

"I guess you're tired and must be feeling really sleepy😴😴....." Texts again.

"Tired? Yeah😶. I'm not sleepy coz you've driven sleep away with your messages!" I reply.

"Sorry about that!" She apologizes.

"I guess I'd go offline now and maybe the snooze button might pop up!" That's her good bye call I guess.

"Okay then." I text back.

After a while, she goes off. I'm left to ponder if she's stalking me or there's something underneath her sleeves. She's becoming too weird and I'm not sure I've gat the right words to describe her.

Nevertheless,I'm sure I'd be seeing more of her awkwardness in recent weeks to come.

Tonight I was certain I'd be going to bed different from other days and certainly the days ahead will definitely be different.

I stared at the rotating ceiling fan for a while still lost in the thoughts of all that happened earlier before finally switching off the lights and finally going to bed. I had this smile on my face and I wasn't really sure why.


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