Eight{°} Unexpected

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Christmas  came in sooner than expected. Excited? Yeah for sure. But I was feeling a bit anxious cause for the first time in many years, I'd be spending it without uncle.

Sure I had invited a few friends and colleagues, but still wasn't sure they'd show up coz it was the most anticipated holiday after all and they'll all be probably busy for sure spending the holiday somewhere a bit more fun. Some place else; somewhere a bit more fun.

Having this in mind, I didn't have high hopes  of anyone showing up.

Guess like I'd be indirectly tired up to David. I never imagined that it will come to this.

My arrogant nephew and I, spending the holiday together. How fun, right? Who was I kidding, it was definitely terrible.

His mom, Jasmina would surely be out chilling with few friends. Something that didn't seem  fair. I'd be babysitting and she'd be off, chilling and making the most of the holiday.

Knowing the chances of any one  showing up wasn't much, cooking was surely not much of an option. But then again, anything can happen, right? Someone can decide to honor my invitation and decide to drop by at the last minute.

Maybe it wouldn't be bad having food available if that ever happens.

I was definitely having an early morning mood swing. First it was the excitement I felt after waking up, then the sudden anxiousness that was uncalled for and now this feeling of disappointment.

Sure today was disappointing but then last night wasn't. Thoughts of last night's eve gave me goosebumps. It was surely a blast. A lot of cool stuff happened last night, most of which I haven't really gotten over.

The streets we stopped by to have a drink or two all had fabulous decorations. It was definitely breathe taking.

From the loud street anthem music to street food, vibes were really high. Hanging out with Jasmina was fun. The best part of all this was that despite having David around, it was like though he wasn't with us.

Sadly, though we had a great time last night, she wouldn't be around to celebrate Christmas with me; she's gonna be spending it doing bonding time with friends.

Anyways, facing the present reality that has been dawn on me, guess like it's just gonna be me and David, and perhaps any random person that decides to come over.

I honestly couldn't tell when seconds turned into minutes, and eventually minutes turned to hours.

The day was quickly ending and no one was showing up. I was pretty stupid for cook so much food knowing it was Christmas and the people I invited will surely be spending it with their actual families. It was the bonding season after all.

David seemed to careless about my feelings and this disappointment of mine.  His attention was all glued to this Xbox his mom, Jasmina got for him. Seeing him with it only annoyed me the more.

I definitely wasn't in the mood for sulking though I felt like it, rather than doing that, I sat on my couch pondering in disappointment with my face resting to the side of the couch.

Still resting where I was, the door bell rang. I thought it was perhaps one of the neighbor's who came to wish me the usual 'Merry Christmas. ' what was so merry about it anyways.

I forced myself up, walked to the door, grabbed the knob and pulled the door open. Behind the door was no neighbor of mine but some friends from work. I was quick to turn that look of disappointment to a smile.

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