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Monday turned to Tuesday, followed by Wednesday and then finally Thursday. The week was a stressful one cause I had to attend to paper work that I had been absent from. My assistant Tomiwa didn't do all of that.

From one scheduled appointment to another,guess that was what I was paid for. I even had to sleep in the office on Tuesday,I was really occupied and before I could notice it was time to head home,it was already really late. So, spending the night there was the only option.

It wasn't my first time spending the night at work. If I can recall clearly,it was actually my tenth time. The first was when I was still uncle Ben's tag along. During my first few years into the field, approximately 4 to 5 years back, I had to spend the night at the office.

My first few years of service,I worked for my uncle as his tag along or should I put it as his assistant. There were times when patients would call from where they resided;most of these folks were the elderly, sometimes down town or often times out of town,we would take the long drive to the patients address,do our thing and if we were lucky enough to finish early, booking an hotel was an option but if not, the car was where we spent the night. It was a stressful experience but to shake the stress off, Uncle been would often quote 'The goal is serving the greater community '. And they were also times we would spend the night at the office because of stressful paperwork.

The long drive out of town was what helped in strengthening our relationship; he would share his experiences about his first time at work and all of that and the joy of what we did. Bonding time was fun but when you then begin to encounter one of the great enemies of the night, mosquitoes, you'd know it was hell.

Imagine sleeping in a car, dealing with the feeling of discomfort from the chair and all the noise from probably frogs and bugs, then being bitten by awful mosquitoes. It wasn't what I signed up for. At first I used to think my job was just walking into an office of my own, doing the usual talk with patients and all of that,but then I realized that they're times when my expertise are often needed somewhere, really far from my comfort. The problem wasn't doing my job though,but the entire trouble it takes to get to were I'm needed is .

Sometimes you come home with one illness or the other. From simple cold to malaria fever. Uncle Ben,is retired now and hopefully he's enjoying his life now. The reward you receive after hell is just pension.

Years later,I'm no longer the tag along I once was and some things may have changed but not spending the night in the office.

Chucks once gave me a cute looking pillow to rest my head on to make me feel comfortable. Being the genitor of the hospital, he's always the last to head home,so the hospital management created a small space for him to relax and spend the night. The place is now like a home for him aside from work. So I often time get to enjoy his company. From his funny jokes,board games to his serious conversations.

I'm glad he's around anytime I spend the night in the office,coz truth be told despite the fact that I'm a psychologist and all, sometimes my illusions play tricks on me and even my own shadow gets to panic me sometimes. I wonder sometimes how's able to deal with the quietness sometimes and if he doesn't get scared being here all by himself.

Anyways,back to reality,I still had a long day at hand. Gideon also had an appointment ahead today.

Gideon came in and then the therapy session started. It lasted for about an hour or two. His response to the questions I asked showed signs of immense improvement and I'm sure before the month ends,his war against this depression would already be over.

All the questions and answers with him really made me feel hungry and my stomach was already crying for lunch. I didn't have anything edible for breakfast coz I was in a hurry to get here.

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