Twelve{°} Time, Coffee, Thoughts

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We both walked into this coffee shop together. I saw a free table, enough to entertain both of us but she declined settling there for reasons best known to her. It was her coffee joint and I understood she knew the dept and breath of every inch of the place; she probably had a favorite sitting spot.

We walked to another table, she felt it was more convenient and compelling. It seemed to be her favorite spot in the cafe. From where we sat I could see the outside and the cars parked by the road side. We sat next to a wall made of glass enabling us to get a glimpse of the view outside.

Every table had some kinda cardboard picture on it. It was cute to look at. Every cardboard had a different picture printed on it from the other. Some table just had plain words printed on them with finely designed calligraphic font on them, others just had simple drawings like coffee cups, mugs and cute cat art on them.

Ours had the coffee cup cardboard it. It wasn't as cute as the others on the other tables. I couldn't get why she preferred this table over the others.

I got lost in the clouds thinking about what to tell her, the sudden visit and all that.

She signaled the waiter from where he stood and he was quick to make his way to our table; she was a popular face around here so the guy already knew her.

She sat at one end and I sat at the other, we were both directly facing one another.

"What would you like?" She asked me.
I still had my head caught in the clouds, her question was what snapped me back to reality.

"Ehmm..." I wasn't sure about what to order. I never planned for us to even be here.

"... Anything..." I said at first.

"No. I mean coffee!" I rephrased my statement.

The waiter smiled and nodded.
"Ma'am, you'd want your usual or something else?" He asks Ruth.

"Just the usual. Coffee and maybe a sandwich or a burger perhaps." She said but not sure whether the burger was a more preferable choice over the sandwich.

"Hmm... I'd just get burger. "She said, after a while of pondering.

"So what's up with the sudden visit?" She finally drops the big boom I was surely expecting.

"Ehmm..." Before I could even start talking the waiter was back with what we ordered. He offloaded what he just brought from the tray and left shortly after with a smile.

"Ahhh..." Was the expression that came out after taking a sip of the coffee.

"The feeling of satisfaction." She added. She takes off the coat she had been wearing.

I wonder if it was as good as her expression said. It honestly looked like regular coffee, regular caffeine. Nothing special to look at.

The stare I was giving the plastic cup sure proved I was in doubt concerning the taste.

"The eyes doesn't do the tasting, It's the mouth's job". She's quick to tease me.

"Yeah, I know. It's just that nothing seems special about it." I had to voice out my mind. I raised it up and stirred it a bit before taking a sip.

"Was it bad?" She had the curious look.

"Taste's like regular coffee." Honestly, it was just an over hyped regular coffee.

"Regular coffee?" She sounded annoyed. Imagine someone calling what you considered special to be regular.

"Yeah!" I was probably being insensitive here.

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