Twenty Three// Reunion 🎀

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A week later.    

  I was woken up by the annoying alarm clock,the one that woke me up every single day ever since I got here. I kinda think it was broken coz it was set for 6am sharp but the alarm would start ringing at 4am;guess it was the hell I had to go through every morning.

Anyways I was already up and whether or not I complained, nothing was gonna be done about it. A bad alarm shouldn't ruin my day and I wasn't gonna let that happen. I took my bath and brush my teeth and then went down to join the rest of the family for breakfast.

The house was a duplex building well furnished. My room was upstairs, alongside the other rooms, the kitchen and dining area was downstairs, alongside the relaxation room. Though it's been almost five years since I left,not much had changed. The security guy was still the same annoying and nosy guy.

I walked down majestically, somehow trying to feel myself and also to digest everything that has happened since I got here, though nothing bad had happened yet.

Sarah was the first to spot me walking down the stairs and waste no time to tease me.
"Sleepy head is up!" She says as she chuckles.
The boys laugh( by that I meant my aunt's immediate kids).
"Ehmm!!!" Aunt makes the clearing of throat noise but she wasn't really trying to get anything off her throat but it was just a kinda call to order.
"Hope you slept well?" Aunt asks as I take my place in the table.
"I think!" Me saying uncertainly.
"He thinks." Sarah is about to start teasing me again.
"Mofe!" Aunt calls her to order using her eyes to make eye signs, telling her it's not time for that. Mofe is actually short for Mofeoluwa. Dad used to call her that when he was still around.

The name means "I love God",but Mofe on its own actually means "My own". The name itself is quite complicating if I may say. My parents decided to give her the name as her second name to remind her of our ancestral roots in west Africa where we hail from.

"So what's up with the new haircut?" Sarah asks. I know she's been wanting to ask that ever since I got here but was just waiting for the right time.
"It's just for a change,I guess". I said with a smile.
"Look! He even smiles now." One of the boys said.
Everyone laughs aside from me and aunt,but I could tell she wanted to laugh with the others but kept fighting her laughter, after all she was trying to be the serious one in the table.


                          A week earlier.

On the first day of my arrival,I was really nervous on how things would go. I felt things would get out of hand and she'd probably hit me in disappointment for not calling or texting back;if she did,I knew I totally deserved it.

The security guy even had a difficult time identifying who I was, couldn't blame him for that cause the last time he saw me was four to five years back. I was the drunk,depressed and stubborn Gideon then,not the Gideon I am now.

He made stupid interrogations that almost made me mad but lucky enough Sarah noticed and recognized me from where ever she was,scolded the guy for his awkward behavior and ushered me in from the gate where I was, outside the house premises.

She was a bit surprised to see that I had a car of my own but anyways she was sure glad to see me,the eldest son in the family.

Aunt was in shock to see me. She couldn't stop herself from crying after giving me a hug. I began too feel bad for not paying them a visit ever since I left in pursuit for my own happiness. Ironically speaking.

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