Twenty four// Invitation 🎀

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I came home feeling stressed out. My head was gonna fall off, work was really stressful. I fear I may have over work myself out.

I laid down on the couch,one left leg was right on top of the backrest,the the seat cushion felt harder than usual,I placed cold ice on top of my head with intentions of it easing the pain from my aching head.

Jasmina walks into the house accompanied by David whom she had just picked up from school. She orders him to go change his uniform,I just lay lifeless on the couch. She notices me, walks up to me,pushes my right long leg down attempting to find a comfortable spot to sit on. She sits, then makes few butt adjust trying to make herself comfortable and the leans backwards to rest her back against the backrest.

"What was that for?" I show my disapproval of what she just did.
"You occupied the entire couch and I needed to sit down!" Rolls her eyes as she talks.
"Anyways better fight back that headache!"
"How? By taking pain killers? Already did that."
"Well okay." She acts less concern.
"Anyways,guess what!"
"You know I'm not good at guessing and even I wanted too I can't,my head hurts too much to be doing that. Just tell me what you want to say." I turn over coz I had lay flat with my belly resting downward to the seat and then use a pillow by my side and then use it to cover my face.
"Okay,look!" She reaches for her bag,takes out an invitation card and then offers to hand it over to me.
"What's that?" Felt curious.
"Take it and see for yourself." Says with her hand still stretched out.
"Just tell me what it says please,spare me from the suspense, besides I'm already going a lot right not to even go through the entire context of that!" I made no attempt too reach for it.
"Well, okay."
"It's an invitation for some kinda summit from uncle Ben. He inviting us and well,you to represent him..." Says playfully rolling her eyes.
"Is this a joke?" I intrude
"You haven't even let me finish yet!"
"Yah right!" I snatch the paper spontaneously from her. My eyes rush through it while my mind digested the word with great speed like that of a computer CPU.
"So now the headache is gone, right?" She seemed surprised by my spontaneous move.
"He said a friend of his; probably the organiser wanted him and his crew to attend their retreat,since his away he wants us to go." She said.

Uncle knew a lot of people. From the guys in the ghetto to the people of power,he knew everyone. I'm pretty sure he had other motive behind this. If he really wanted to convey this kind of invitation,he would have done the right thing by informing me and not going through Jasmina. Something was up.

"This is some kinda field trip and why would he want you to tag along with me?" I felt annoyed and confused.
"Hey,I may not be a psychopath person like you guys but I'm smart and helpful too,you know!" She frowns.
"Yeah right!" I fall back to the couch leaving the invitation card to find its way to the ground.
"And point of correction,it's psychologist not psychopath!"
"Who cares? Definitely not me!" I smile and shake my head as she said that.
"I'm wondering why you are willing to leave your pastry shop behind to go on a boring trip with me?" Something's really fishy.
"I'm not,my apprentice while run things for me when we both are away!" Says with a weird smile.
"There's not gonna be flour and cake alongside your pastry stuff there!" I protest.
"Sometimes we need to taste bitter things too." I wise response that leaves  to the conclusion of this being a plot to stop me from working.

though taking a break from things wouldn't be that bad but maybe this wasn't the best option at this point.
"Jasmina,tell me the truth!"
"What truth?"
"What is this really about?" Her body language tells it all and lying to me wouldn't be the best option cause if she did,I'm a psychologist and I'll find her soft spot to bite through.
"Okay, okay,look, uncle Ben wants us to take a break from everything, enjoy ourselves a bit and then learn new stuff." Spills the beans on time.
"He knows taking a break right now is impossible!"I hide my face with the pillow.
"Look at you, you're in pain cause of stress and still you're playing hard to get." Shakes her head side ways.
"Even if I wanted too the office wouldn't let me do that!"
"Uncle already made arrangements for that." She smiles.
"How?" I felt curious.
"Remember he knows everyone at the office, including the guy that runs the place." He really did his homework pretty well.
"You know what, I need a nap." I accept defeat.

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