Twenty Six// Poolside talk 🎀

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We arrived at our destination safe and sound. I was lucky to still be having both my ears intact;all Jasmina annoying blabbing nearly made both of them fall off.

It was a fine resort. Looked expensive and the guys who organized it really put in much to get the kind of detail that would make anyone immediately fall in love with the place. It had a pool area,a nice canteen area,I was aware that the place was an hotel but then why spend much on this kind of place if the organisers where trying to run a campaign on mental health,I mean that was what the invitation card read.

We were given a warm welcome and then offered cool shirt outfits. Some had fonts that read 'Health is wealth ' written on it,others had 'Thank you for coming on them';most especially mine,I had the thank you for coming written on mine.

I was introduced to some of the guys who where behind the whole thing. Their motive was actually to run a campaign that would start from now to early October,the mental health week to be precise.

We all were given keys to our various rooms. Me, Jasmina and David all shared one room. Arriving at the the room, Jasmina wasted no time to fixing the room into her taste,quit absurd though,I just left her to do what ever she wanted to do with the room,we won't be staying here that long anyways so maybe she just wanted to make the most of the trip.

Night quickly came, Jasmina put David to bed much earlier than expected;I was even a bit surprised to see that he went to bed earlier than usual. Time was 8:05pm, I had to make a speech for the event at hand the next day. I had to stay up all night to figure out  what to encode in my study for my speech the following day. Jasmina couldn't help but complain about how the lights that were left on was affecting her sleep. She was aware I needed the light but cared less about it, after all it ain't something she should worry about, right? Dumb!

Morning came and I was lucky to have come up with something. We prepared for the event at hand;we all wore the shirt that was given to us the first day we arrived. It was to show support for the event. Everything was held in a nice hall,the guys really did a good job in getting everything set the manner it was.

Things kick started a bit earlier than expected, the host came on stage,did little talk about what the whole thing was about. He made emphasis on thing the fact that the retreat was something that was held twice annually. From the end of April to the beginning of May, and then early October. The entire thing was just a way of creating an awareness of how important ones mental health really is and how a break down of one's mental psycho could trigger a meltdown of vital family relationships. Our clinic and staffs were lucky to be part of an event such as this.

I was the fourth speaker of the event.  When the first speaker went on stage,I could feel that I was starting to have cold feet,the nervous feeling that often shroud's up when I'm about to do something really important. When the first speaker was done talking,he was applauded, made his way back to his seat and then the second speaker was ushered up stage, then the second, followed by the third and shortly after he was done it was my turn.

I can't remember what I said or how my speech went,but as soon as it started,I could tell the ending. Things went faster than I imagined and I'm kinda glad though.

After the brief meeting at the hall, we had a dinner segment of the day's activity and then we were done for the day. It was somehow like a workshop training but one done in a relaxing and same time educative manner.

Throughout the day, I never got the chance to talk to Gideon, neither did I even see him to say hi. When I climbed the  stage earlier to give my speech,I could see everyone present at the event but not Gideon.

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