𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝗍𝗐𝗈 ⋯ ♡ᵎ

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"I'm too early.."

Shinichiro was only ten minutes early, he wanted to get a table ready so that way they wouldn't have to wait for one. He took Wakasa's and Y/n's advice, leaving his hair down, his short hair being tucked behind his ear while a few strands pointed out.

He didn't even know how many girls were staring at him just by the small change. It was a huge difference though. His loose white shirt with his slightly baggy jeans just made it perfect while his gold chain hung around his neck, loosely laying on his shirt.

'What if she doesn't come?!' he thought, starting to worry as he looked at the time then back to the restaurant door. His eyes then slightly widened, watching her walk in front of the windows before her hand reached over to the door handle, pulling it and walking inside as she tried looking for him.

'Is he actually here?' she thought, looking around the restaurant as she met his eyes, not knowing it was him as she thought he was just a random hot stranger until he called her name. "Y/n!" he said as her eyes widened before she quickly walked over to him.

"You look so different!" she said, her hand reaching over to his face, twirling the ends of his hair between her fingers as a small blush reached his face from the sudden action. 'She's so much prettier in person now that I look at her..'

He noticed her attire, she was dressed in work clothes, a dark grey skirt with a white buttoned down shirt tucked in along with a tie as she wore her black heels along with her stockings.

'She looks..so good..' he was practically drooling over her already as she went over to the opposite side of him and sitting down. 'How could her ex cheat on her?! I would worship her if I were him!'

"Shinichiro?" she called his name as he came out of his daze, soon meeting her eyes. "I asked you if you were going to get something to drink?" his ears were basically in heaven, her voice was like silk, so smooth along like honey, deep and trapping.

"I was just—" he gulped, trying to get his words out as he started to feel hot, placing two fingers on the collar of his shirt and pulling it forward so he could feel the cool air. "I was just going to get some soda."

She nodded at his answer, looking back down at the menu before placing it down. "So what do you do? Your job?" Shinichiro asked, trying to come up with something to talk about. "I work in a lawyer firm."

"Really? So you wear skirts everyday or..?"

"I wear suits as well."

'She's hot!' Shinichiro said in his mind, nodding his head. "And you? Where do you work Shinichiro?" she asked him, looking into his eyes as he became nervous, scared she'd might judge him. "I own a bike shop! It's really cool, you should come by some time."

"A bike shop? Like bicycles or motorcycles?" she laughed a bit. "Imagine you, Shinichiro, owning a bicycle shop. It's so cute."

"Ha ha, yeah whatever, but it's a motorcycle shop." he said as her head perked up and looking at him dead in the eye as he felt shivers go down his spine. 'I feel bad for who ever she go against in court..'


'That's all she has to say?!'

"Yup!" Shinichiro smiled as she nodded her head. "Where is it?" she asked him as he quickly looked back at her, surprised that she was interested. "It's actually only thirty minutes away from here, if you have time we can head over there."

"No, I only have thirty minutes..but thank you." she lightly smiled at him as his heart race increased just a bit. 'Even her smile is cute..god let me marry this woman.' the waiter then came to their table, asking what they would like to drink and eat as the two gave them their orders before the waiter left.

"Can I get your number?" he asked, his nerves bouncing around as she chuckled. "Sure but don't think about asking me out, I can see it in your face, I won't date you." she said, taking her phone out and handing it to him as he did the same.

"That's what all the girls say." Shinichiro said, laughing afterwards before he came to a realization. "No seriously, that's what they all say.." he mumbled as she laughed.

"Maybe you'll finally get more girls if you kept your hair down Shinichiro." Y/n spoke, her finger pointing to his hair as she tilted her head to the side, glancing at the small hair strands poking out. "You think so?" Shinichiro propped his elbow onto the table, resting his cheek on his palm as he eyed her while he slowly leaned into the table.

"Mhm, definitely."

"So if I were to ask you out, you would say yes?" Y/n was a bit surprised at the sudden question, smiling as she looked away before meeting his eyes. "No."

"Aw come on! I practiced that whole stunt in the mirror all night and you say no?!" he whined, a frown on his face as the waiter came back with their drinks, placing them in front of the two and telling them that their food will be out in a few minutes.

"You practiced it all night?" she laughed at him as he started to feel embarrassed. "Yeah! Emma and Mikey almost caught me!" he said, sighing as she glanced at him. "Are they your siblings?"

"Yeah, younger siblings. Mikey's 15 and Emma's 13."

"Aw that's cute, i'm an only child." she said, grabbing the straw, ripping the plastic off before placing it in her drink. "I had older cousins though, a year or two older but it's not the same."

He let her talk just so he could listen to her voice, he could listen for days and he wouldn't complain. His eyes roamed around her face, taking in every feature, every curve and every angle of her. He actually thought she was made just for him.

"You're so pretty." he mumbled to himself, watching her take a sip of his drink. 'I thought she was going to hear me..' he slightly panicked but calmed himself down as he wasn't caught.

"Shinichiro, maybe we could do this again."

" A date?!"

"That's a bit too much but definitely again."

"Then a non date date!"

"No Shinichiro..."


𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 𝐌𝐄 𝐏𝐋𝐄𝐀𝐒𝐄 || 𝘀. 𝘀𝗵𝗶𝗻𝗶𝗰𝗵𝗶𝗿𝗼 ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now