𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝗌𝗂𝗑 ⋯ ♡ᵎ

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"Who do you think you are?!"

She slapped his cheek, a red mark starting to appear as his eyes widened. 'She actually slapped me?! And I liked it?!'

His ten seconds of being on top were ruined when she caught him by surprise, flipping him back down on to the bed as she was straddling him. "Do you really think you'd get the chance to fuck me Shinichiro?" she chuckled as he shook his head.

"No ma'am, but you know what i'd like to get the chance of? You sucking me off, that's for sure." he said in a serious tone as she couldn't tell if he was joking or not, letting out a laugh before leaning down towards him and started sucking on his neck.

"This isn't what I mean but yeah I don't mind this either." he said in a hushed voice, his hands reaching towards the back of her bra and unclipping it before the piece of clothing started to fall.

Her hand reached down to his tip, rubbing it in circular motions as his breath hitched. He didn't like teasing at all, in fact he hated it but for her? He'd definitely let her tease him any day.

Her hand then wrapped around his dick, pumping it slowly as she started to kiss around his face before meeting his lips. Y/n gave him small pecks then moved on to longer kisses as he felt her hand start to stroke his dick even faster, feeling surprised, making his mouth gape open and feeling her tongue.

Oh the sensation he was feeling was more than euphoric, he felt like he was floating towards heaven and being crowned king— though of course, he wasn't the king ruling the kingdom, she was and again, he liked it.

"You're aching to have your dick inside me aren't you Shinichiro? You would love to fuck me.." she said, meeting his eyes before he looked over to her face then to her chest, seeing her bra start to fully come off.

"Really? Me? Definitely, but look at you, you dirty bitch, you're practically cumming all over me already." he chuckled before feeling his hair being harshly pulled, accidentally letting out a moan that made her squeeze her legs.

"Me? You're already panting, don't think I didn't see you try and hold you dirty moans back, slut." she pulled in his hair even harder and making him sit up. He then shoved her down onto the bed, her back meeting the blanket as he held her legs up, positioning hisself right in front of her while her eyes were wide.

"Can you shut up already? I don't want to hear you talk, bitch I want to hear you cry." he said, she was going to say something but he shoved his dick right into her wet pussy. He leaned down to her, placing both hands on each side of her as she raised her hands to his back, Y/n's nails digging into his skin.

He could hear every breath, every moan she tried to hold back and every moan she had let out. He was close to cumming but he didn't want to release inside her so he pulled out, grabbing her hair harshly, holding her head up as her mouth was open.

"What?" he said, chuckling as his hand started to stroke his dick. "Swallow." he said, without another word, he shoved her head down towards his dick, choking her as tears brimmed the corners of her eyes while her mouth was coated in his cum.

He pulled her head back up, seeing his seed drip down from her lips, watching her use her fingers to clean around her mouth before going back down and started to swirl her tongue around. Shinichiro had his hand on top of her head, pushing her at times and hearing the gagging noises she made.

"Fuck Y/n, you're so good." he mumbled, watching her grind her hips against the bed as he felt the vibrations of her moans on his dick. "Do you want to cum?" he asked her lifting her head up as she was heavily breathing.

"Not by you. You get to watch me." she said, laying her self back onto the pillows and spreading her legs as she inserted one finger, pumping it and increasing the speed. "Mm..Shinichiro." she moaned his name, putting in another finger as her eyes started to roll back.

'This is so much better..than any other woman i've been with..'

His hands were on her thighs, spreading her legs a bit farther as she watched him get on top of her, lowering himself down and kissing her breast, swirling her tongue around her nipple before sucking on it as his other hand was helping her cum again.

'Yup, definitely the luckiest man alive.'


She woke up to the smell of smoke, sitting up and rubbing her eyes before she saw Shinichiro near the window, only in his boxers as he was holding a cigarette between his fingers.

He saw in the corner of her eye that she was awake, turning towards her as she grabbed his shirt and put it over her shoulders and walking towards him. "You're probably the same in court." he said, earning a look from her as she smacked her arm.

"I'm not..just very defensive that's all." she said, chuckling before looking at the cigarette and sighing. "I can throw this out if you'd like." he noticed her change in expression when she saw the cigarette but she shook her head.

"No it's fine." she said to him, taking the smoke in her fingers before placing it between her lips, inhaling the smoke before blowing it out. "What time is it?" she asked, noticing that the sun was up.

"Mm..almost 8:30 why?"

"8:30?! I'm about to be late! Why didn't you tell me?!" she rushed over to her bathroom as he froze. "I didn't know! I just wanted to let you sleep! We were up all last night Y/n!" he said, following her as he realized he had to open his shop soon.

"Do you have an extra tooth brush?!" he asked her as she nodded, looking inside the bathroom drawers before giving him one. "I have thirty minutes left! I don't have time!" she said, starting to brush her teeth as he did the same, she left the bathroom to go hack to her room and get a pair of clothes she had set out the day before.

She went back into the bathroom, finishing brushing her teeth before she took off his shirt, throwing it to him and putting on her bra and underwear. He noticed the clothes she had brought was a suit, a black one.

"Y/n." he said after he finished brushing his teeth and turning to her. "Yeah?"

"You're really hot." she laughed at his response. "I know." she said, tucking her black buttoned down shirt in her pants. 'How does she change so fast?!'

He started to put back his shirt and went back to her room to get his shoes and pants, before going into the hallway, seeing her pick up the clothes they had left laying on the floor.

She checked herself in the mirror, putting mascara and red lipstick before looking over to Shinichiro who was all ready. "Not going to do your ugly ass haircut Shinichiro?"

"You know? I should, just so that girls can reject me and I can stay with you Y/n."

switch shin>>

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