𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝗍𝗐𝖾𝗇𝗍𝗒 𝗌𝖾𝗏𝖾𝗇 ⋯ ♡ᵎ

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"Don't make me go!"

"Y/n but you have to!"

"But I don't want to!" Y/n said as Shinichiro was trying to get her out of her apartment. "But you will! After we'll go get whatever you want but first we have to go to the hospital and get your surgery!" he said, finally getting her out as she sighed.

"Fine!" she gave up, walking towards the set of stairs as he closed the door. "To be honest I thought Takeomi was going to pick me up." she said, even though she knew he was going to make up an excuse not to. "Oh no he is, he's in the car waiting."

"What?! You two just came together?!"

"Yup, it was a really long awkward drive and now that you're coming along..it's going to be even more awkward." Shinichiro muttered out, the both of them walking down the stairs. "Oh and happy birthday." he smiled at her, kissing her cheek.

"Thank you." she smiled back at him. "Did you want anything? Like as a present?" he asked, watching her think as she bit the inside of her mouth. "Love me, please?" she tilted her head to the side, her eyes catching the blush that was reddening his cheeks as he nodded his head. "You got it." The two smiled at each other, both leaning in for a kiss.

"Okay but I think we should get going."

"You're always so worried about me, it's cute."


"Ms. L/n!"

The nurse called out for her name, she stood up and followed her into the empty room. She then told Y/n to change and gave her the appropriate clothes before leaving and closing the door. Y/n's nervousness spread throughout her body, almost shaking as she took off her clothes and changed into the ones the nurse gave her.

Once she was finished, she waited patiently for the doctor to come in, sitting on the edge of the hospital bed. She was thinking of many things, wondering what will she do once the surgery was done. She then heard a knock on the door, telling who ever it was to come in as she caught the white cloth of a doctor's coat.

"Are you ready? We have everything set and ready." she asked Y/n. "Yeah i'm ready." she nodded her head, following the doctor into another room. "I see it's your birthday today, happy birthday." the doctor said. "Oh thank you. I wish I could be doing something else other than getting surgery though." Y/n said, laying on the bed as the doctor let out a laugh.

"Yeah, but don't worry. You can celebrate it when you wake up."


"How long is it going to take?"

"Shinichiro stop being inpatient, she just got into surgery, see? They turned on that little stupid fucking light." Wakasa said, pointing to the lightbulb on top of the double doors. "Damn, what got you so pissed off..?" Shinichiro mumbled.

"Takeomi, he drove you guys here yet he can't even be here, not even for her. I understand you have work but come on!" Wakasa let out a loud sigh, looking over to Shinichiro who was curled up in a chair. "He said he had something to do and that he'll be back in an hour or two." Shinichiro said.

"He won't be back, trust me. He won't even come for her birthday. He doesn't care about her at all anymore." Wakasa dropped his hands down to his thighs. "I don't think she cares, but it would at least be thoughtful to give her something.."



"I'm really glad you're here—" Shinichiro said before he felt his leg being kicked. "Don't say cheesy shit like that!" Wakasa turned the other way. "Me too.." the both of them sighed. Her surgery was in the afternoon but they were a bit tired since they couldn't get sleep at night so they decided to close their eyes and take a small nap.

She was already in the process of her surgery, she couldn't see or hear what was going on but the only thing in front of her was an image. It was too blurry for her to see what it actually was but she could see some of it. It seemed like it were two people— no three, one was much smaller than the other two.

She didn't know who it was because the voices that were muffled seemed unfamiliar. "Girl! It's....girl! I will.....love....you....forever!" was all she could hear, the image was so new to her but she felt like she's seen it before. She tried focusing on it but it then went away.

Her thoughts going blank.

While the two were sleeping, their phones vibrated against their pockets but they were too deep into their sleep to even notice. Shinichiro turned in his chair, trying to find a comfortable spot as he felt his phone vibrating. His eyes were still closed as he turned off his phone, ending the call to whoever was trying to reach him.

"Be okay..please."


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